Story here. Name of Herb Peterson. Guess he’s gone to Happyland.
What did he “invent” exactly? He wasn’t the first guy who ever stuck an egg on an English muffin. What was original about Egg McMuffins?
Perhaps he came up with the name.
Cite for what? That he wasn’t the first guy to ever stick an egg on an English muffin? Ever heard of Eggs Benedict?
Ever try to eat Eggs Benedict in a car?
I rest my case.
Looks to me like Peterson came up with the idea of replacing eggs Benedict’s hollandaise sauce with that orange stuff they call cheese, and poached egg with a fried one, for which he used Teflon rings.
Yeah, I suppose it was the specific formulation of “cheese food product” and the ring eggs and the rubbery ham and everything. Maybe it was just the idea of a breakfast sandwich in general. I don’t know, but I don’t think it was really very original in a culinary sense, so much as in a marketing sense. I think Mickey D’s might have been the first big burger chain to simulate breakfast food.
Robble robble (sniff) robble robble.
Some info about the great Egg McMuffin story.
okay, who had Herb Petersonon the celebrity death pool?
I’ve heard of Eggs Benedict but never knew what they were. They’re like Egg McMuffins? Then why aren’t they called Egg McMuffins?
The Egg McMuffin was just about the only item on McDonald’s menu that I could stomach. RIP, Herb.
For a measly 11 points, he just wasn’t worth it. RIP muffin man.
Eggs Benedict are similar to an Egg McMuffin in the same way that a platypus is similar to an orgasm.
If he lived to 89, I’m guessing he didn’t eat too many Egg McMuffins.
this? is a very good post, really.
Is this the same Herb who was advertised as being the only guy in America who never tried a Big Mac, and was then located and fed one, with great fanfare?
I thought that was a BK campaign for the Whopper?
My co-workers and I just had a moment of silence. We all agree that the Egg McMuffin is the best thing on McD’s menu (though I couldn’t tell you the last time I actually had one… it’s been at least several years…).
Man, are these SAT questions confusing!