Invitation to admit that you didn't vote this election ...

Time for you to admit that you were the problem …

come on admit it … if you didn’t vote … your the one to blame.

It’s not fair to call people out, Mr Quatro. America expressed their option to vote or not vote- that is democracy. Voting is a civic right, not a civic duty. The founding fathers would understand people decisions not to vote- illness, injury, out of the country or plain disgust.

I voted- for the loser, mind you, but I don’t mind the outcome. Today the sun is out and the stocks are going up. Russia is willing open to talks with the US. Gridlock is ending in the US. All our problems are ending as we speak, because of this: united we stand- divided we fall.

The time for hatred and grief is over, the time for unity is now!

Unity means peace of brotherhood … I hope that happens.

Now it’s time for America to go back to work again … how much time and money has been waisted is unfathomable.

I didn’t vote. Of course I’m not actually a US citizen.

We’re fucked.

Emphasis mine. So that’s why I can’t lose wait! I’m such a great procrastinator, I just keep waisting my time! :smiley:

Oh no! I mis-spelled another word … :smack:

I’m deplorable, disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable;. :smiley:

…being landless, female, or black…

I voted in the election, but I can’t vote in your poll.

[del]I didn’t vote[/del] - I voted
[del]I voted for the loser[/del] - I voted for a loser, but not the loser
[del]I voted for the winner[/del] - I didn’t vote for Donald Trump
[del]I didn’t think my vote counted[/del] - I live in California, and I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton. From a certain perspective, I knew long before yesterday that my vote “didn’t count”…but that didn’t stop me from casting it anyway.

I didn’t vote; I’m not an American citizen so had no vote.

Thank you all 19 people for voting … MSNBC should go back and ask if the people they polled voted, uh?

But maybe it should be a civic duty, like it is in Australia. This country and its elected leaders would look very different and likely be more responsive/representative if everyone had to vote (which is a big reason why such a change would never happen).

If I’m a conservative who didn’t vote, is that still a problem for you?

I didn’t vote, but Hillary certainly did ok in CA without me.
I didn’t vote on the local issues because I failed as a citizen and could not force myself to care about them enough to make an informed decision.

I didn’t vote. :wink:

You thought it wouldn’t matter, uh? It’s a numbers game and a battle for what we think.
Better luck next time, but remember you didn’t really know which one would win now did you?

Will you vote next time?

Duke of Rat said, “If I’m a conservative who didn’t vote, is that still a problem for you?”

No it’s your right to vote and you said not this time