iPOD Music has disappeared from the Library

My wife dropped her iPod and lost all her music. She went back to re-load and lost of all our purchased music in iTunes. I am not entirely sure how she did this – but it seems well and truly gone – we have an original empty state iTunes Store. (I don’t know if this is relevant but at some point while she was ‘futzing around’ trying to get it the playlists back she downloaded a newer version of iTunes, as well as changed our password).

We called the iTunes folk. They suggested searching C:Documents & Settings, My Music. The only thing in there seems to be the now empty version of iTunes (no purchased music, no playlists).

iTunes suggested if the above didn’t work to search the hard drive by song names – that didn’t work either.

Any ideas would be appreciated. +$300-$500 worth of music accumulated over 18 or so months is in the wind

If the iPod isn’t physically damaged, hopefully the songs are still there.

Try a program called Yamipod (http://www.yamipod.com/main/modules/docs/help/corruptedipod.php) It had a Repair option that may recover the songs.

Yamipod is a program to move songs to and from your iPod. It requires no install at all, so you can copy it to your iPod and have it whever your iPod goes.