Iran's nukes

Can we believe Iran? AHGH My gut says no, but I remember listening to Colin tell me the truth…wow the scars still linger. :frowning:

Can Iran believe the US ? Why would they believe we’d talk to them if they did stop “sensitive nuclear activities” ?

For Bush, Talks With Iran Were a Last Resort

Bush’s offer is nothing but an attempt to get the other powers to take the next step towards tolerating sanctions or a US strike on Iran.
We’ve got the US ambassodor to the UN already proclaiming that Iran has the 235 for a bomb:

So how fucking reasonable is it to think that we’d make a good faith offer to negotiate?

Ah, so in actuality they were only months from having The Bomb?

How long till Bolton starts going on about mushroom clouds over American cities? Maybe he can just plagarize Condi’s previous bodings and thereby save himself enough time to Grecian Formula his moustache?


Right. Nothing can possibly go wrong here. Nanananannana! It’s all Bush’s fault!

“The Buck Stops Here”. He’s in charge, he gets the blame.

Besides, he’s been a walking disaster his entire life. If he’s involved in something, it will likely be a mess, a tragedy, and a failure, and it’s a safe assumption much or all of the blame is his. Failure is what he does.

How about you stop speaking in tongues, and actually say what you mean?
While you’re at it, could you fill us in on your present stance on the Iraqi weapons. Do you still maintain that they’re ‘out there’, or have you finally seen the sweet light of reason?

Why don’t we just go there and take the silly think away from them before iran hurts itself or others?

No really, just seige the R&D center.

Because they’d shoot back, and we’d have a war ? Not to mention that there’s a whole bunch of “R & D” centers, and we have no right to do so anyway.

Like he told the inspectors " do you believe me or your lying eyes"
They have Zero credibility when everyone who they slammed turned out to be right.

“He said Iran used the time involved in the talks with France, Germany and Britain to enrich enough uranium to produce nuclear weapons.”

Id like to see the statement thats been paraphrased from.

I suspect this is more a quoting issue and is meant to be saying he thinks they’re using the time to work towards making more enriched U235, not that they have already successfully used it to make enough U235 to construct some weapons.


How would they know, anyway ? Given how terrible our intelligence on Iraq was, I fail to see why I should believe they have clue one about what Iran actually has or is doing.

I’d like to see it too, but haven’t found it yet.

Here’s Bolton on Iran in 2004: ran’s Continuing Pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction

And here he is yesterday (May 31): ‘This is Put Up or Shut Up Time For Iran,’ Unilateral Military Action Is ‘On The Table’ (with video)

Bolton’s been a pretty good indicator of which way Cheney leans these past few years, and the way Cheney leans has been a pretty good indicator of where America goes.
It’s not reasonable to dismiss his rants as those of a ‘loose cannon.’

The preceding Quote (emphasis mine) is from the link provided by Squink. This sounds like a run up to another war. I clearly remember watching Powell give his presentation to the UN. I remember thinking “wow, if what he is saying is true, the case for war is valid”. It was the whole “if it’s true” thing that stabbed me in the back. Der Trihs, I think there is no particular reason for Iran to trust the US. But I don’t see a particular reason for the US to trust Iran.

Cite? (I’m quite confident you have one, just looking to learn more)

Just aside:
I was watching Finnish TV yesterday. The Finnish TV commentator in Iran asked all kind of questions, mostly about a chance of war, and one answer rung my bell: "The first bullit shot, will put the barrel price way over 100 dollars". This answer was given by some moderate top opposition guy in Teheran.

Personally I think that US does not stand a chance to begin a war, or to launch some acts of war, against Iran, because then Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan would be one big continuous (neighbouring) battlefield.

Iran can also easily close the Persian Gulf, on which shores are Kuweit, Bahrain and United Arab Emirates. And the Persian gulf are the only shores these three countries have.

Map here:

If you look at the map, you will see that Iran differs from Iran more than one letter. :smack:
If Cheney, Bolton et al, want to have Iran united, they should just continue with the talk they talk.
Besides, “heavy unrest” in the Arabic world will most probably be the fall of The House of Saudi. And where are we then? :eek:

I tend to believe the guy: “The first bullit will…”, but how far will that take the world is hard to say.
Also, at what point will our western economy tumble down? 120 dollars a barrell? 140? 160?

Since when have consequences stopped these idiots ?

Well, that will certainly make the extended car chase through San Francisco a lot more expensive.

Come now, we don’t want to start making fun of foreigners’ English skills, do we, eh?
