Irish anti-immigrant riot [2023-11-24]

I was shocked to read this morning, awaking after a beautiful if cold Thanksgiving, that there was horrendous anti-immigrant rioting in Dublin. Some loon stabbed some schoolkids and a school staffer, he was caught, but some lunatic anti-immigrant morons came downtown with fireworks and “iron implements”, attacked the police, torched a refugee center and attacked the responding firefighters, looted stores, and torched buses and a tram. BBC article. CNN article. Another article. Another.

These f*ckers weren’t “protesters” as they came with fireworks and weapons, not signs and banners.

I fixed the spelling in the title, added a date, and a breaking news tag


And it was an immigrant who stopped the attacker:

Headline in a just world: “Right Wing Nationalists Wrong About Everything, Again”

And why am I not surprised?


The alleged assailant was in fact a naturalized Irish citizen originally from Algeria, the Irish Times reported.