Irresponsible jackoffs!

You know when advocates of excessively restrictive, feel-good gun control crapola use the statement “You are x times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal” to justify whatever they’re pushing?

Whatever truth there may be to that is caused by dumbasses who haven’t quite grasped the idea that guns aren’t toys, or that the footsteps coming from the living room might be a family member and not a criminal.

For cryin’ out loud, don’t go buying a gun unless you know how to use it responsibly. If you have trouble controlling your temper, get some help before you give yourself an easy means of killing someone.

Don’t forget that Prof. Kellerman, the originator of that UL (43 times more likley to be used on a family member), was forced to recant his statement after the reputable academics tore it to shreds!

This being the Pit, go get your own motherfucking cite!
It’s out there, type a couple words into your browser you lazy jackass
[sub]oh yeah, you’re a guncontrol advocate, you expect other people to solve your problems even when they have no obligation to do so and then you try to disallow people from solving their problems by claiming “oh, someone else will protect you”[/sub]

::not directed at robodude