Is a fart just a fart or is there more to it?

Someone in another forum made a comment about farts and how you could light one with a match & it would burn. This got me thinking so I looked into it and found some interesting things.

Chemical Composition of Farts

The exact chemical composition of human flatulence varies from one person to another, based on his or her biochemistry, the bacteria inhabiting the colon, and the foods that were eaten. If the gas results from ingesting air, the chemical composition will approximate that of air . If the fart arises from digestion or bacterial production, the chemistry may be more exotic. Farts consist primarily of nitrogen, the principal gas in air, along with a significant amount of carbon dioxide . A typical breakdown of the chemical composition of farts is:

  • Nitrogen: 20-90%
  • Hydrogen: 0-50% (flammable)
  • Carbon dioxide: 10-30%
  • Oxygen: 0-10%
  • Methane: 0-10% (flammable)
  • Human flatus may contain hydrogen gas and/or methane, which are flammable. If sufficient amounts of these gases are present, it’s possible to light the fart on fire .

EXXON Mobile is spending millions to improve the yeast output of alcohol. I wish them the best in their ind-ever but I think they would have better results using the hundreds of thousands of sewer treatment plants, converting this waste into useful energy.

Anybody care to comment, pro or con–?

As you get older, every fart is a risky proposition.

Heard that …. uh, from a friend.

I have toured sewage treatment plants as part of college level microbiology classes. One I went to harvested and stored the methane it produced, but it only got enough to heat its own buildings through the winter.

Is a fart just a fart

…as time goes by ♩♫

I had…I mean, I heard the same thing. Really took some joy out of life.

Only about 1/3 of humans ever have methane in their farts, anyone may have hydrogen gas. For most of us, therefore, the ingredient that burns if you light it is hydrogen.

Source: QI (Quite Interesting), a sort of panel quiz show on BBC2.

I heard it a different way: “Never trust a fart”.

Regarding “Blue Flame”, in my younger days, I did, in fact, light one up, on occasion.

As I understand it, that’s not an uncommon arrangement on livestock farms, too. The manure goes into a digester, where the methane produced can be collected. But like you said, this generally only produces enough gas to heat the farm’s own buildings.

A different arrangement I once heard a scientist advocate on NPR’s Science Friday years ago is to use sewage treatment plants as algae farms. The algae would help break down the sewage and remove CO2 from the atmosphere. The algae could then be harvested to produce biofuels, creating a carbon-neutral fuel source.

Mythbusters did a whole episode on farts. In it, they set up a contraption to capture a fart in a bathtub so they could analyze its contents.
I don’t recall the results, but good luck getting this image out of your head.

Sometimes it is an electric fart…has a little juice to it.

Having lived in the dorms in college, I can attest: farts are DEFINITELY combustible.

It’s a crapshoot all right.

That kind of technology is being tested out as well. That EXXON is investing in other research shows that sewage gas hasn’t so far proven itself to be a perfect solution that will solve all energy demands all by itself.

I’ve learned in life that on the way up, you sometimes have to smell some farts. But you should never let anyone sh*t on you.

I totally agree; adding that it will not be just one new energy source, we will need to use them all if we are to save our hides before the sun bakes our ass’s dry

And if you fart in the OR during abdominal surgery, fess up, so everyone knows it’s not due to knicked bowel.

I tried to find a new energy source and what do I get in return-?

I get pooped on; go figure

The fundamental things remain in your underwear.

A moderator on another forum closed this discussion by stating----

Moderator Note

OK. This started badly and has gone badly downhill.

Try instead.

a possible new source of energy, flammable farts

My responce was— you closed the following forum —

“a possible new source of energy, flammable farts”

Before you stuck your but into this discussion a few posters were trying to honestly discuss the energy potential of converting sewage treatment plants into self-sustaining facilities. The plants would get their power from the sewage they treat. I believe this could qualify as the first perpetual motion machine in our history.

You are truly a party-pooper

Should it have been closed–?

I recall an NREL report estimating the potential for about an eighth of a quad’s worth of methane from domestic municipal wastewater, annually. Not much, but every bit counts. It’s a relatively low-hanging fruit. DC’s Blue Plains treatment plant has a digester hooked to a 13 MW CHP turbine. This just offsets some of the plant’s power needs; the plant is still a net consumer of energy. But I’ve been told their output stream is cleaner than the Potomac water they’re dumping it into. Other plants may have less stringent requirements, but I’m not up to speed on this.

1 quad = 1 quadrillion BTUs ~ 1 exajoule
We use about 100 quads/year from all sources.