Is a single monitor dot pitch listing horizontal or diaganol?

I’m looking for a new monitor. My current CRT has a dot pitch of .22 mm horizontal and .26 mm diaganol - but I’m noticing a lot of the specifications for new monitors only list one dot pitch value - when they do that, are they referring to the horizontal or diaganol value? In other words, would a dot pitch of .24 mm be an upgrade or downgrade in my case?

Most computer monitors have the same dot pitch in both dimensions. The only exception I can think of is the Trinitron CRT, which I suspect yours is.

Actually, most monitors don’t even bother with promoting their dot pitch these days. Since almost all monitors are LCD, they just tell you the dimensions and the native resolution, and let you figure it out. That’s why you need to be careful about buying a new 19" LCD and finding out it’s only 1280 x 1024.

It’s a viewsonic A70 - old, discontinued monitor. Maybe it uses similar technology, I don’t know.

And I’m not leaning towards LCDs at the moment, so dot pitch is still important to me.

I guess I was wrong about that then, sorry - I think the A70 is a conventional CRT, not an aperture grille type.