Is anyone currently working on on demand TV shows?

I dont know if this is a factual question but i think it is. WIth murphys law and things like that computer abilities are always growing. Sooner or later people will be able to send an entire day’s worth of programming over a wire and store it all in a tivo or something so you can watch any show you want anytime you want.

Is anyone working on this or is it far too much right now? Sounds like it would need an amazing amount of broadband and a TiVo with several terabytes of storage to do.

The future is now. HBO On Demand. They don’t have anything on the technical details though.

My cable company provides me with a fair selection of “on Demand” shows. Not the entire program list from a channel, but a fair selection of episodes available from:

Subscription On Demand
1111 HBO On Demand
1112 Cinemax On Demand
1113 Showtime On Demand
1114 The Movie Channel On Demand
Free On Demand
1201 Cartoon Network
1202 BBC America
1203 Court TV
1204 Golf Channel
1205 CNN Showcase
1206 Comedy Central
1207 Music
1208 Biography
1209 MyMC
1210 Food Network
1211 HGTV
1212 DIY Network
1213 Tech TV

There is also an On Demand Channel with shows of local interest, and one in the works to provide On Demand (re)broadcasting University of Texas Sports.

You don’t need the TiVo or DVR box to do it, either. Instead, you choose the program you wish to watch from a list, and the cable box connects to the cable company, requests the program, and plays it. You can even pause, fast forward, and rewind.

The future is now.

That OnDemand stuff is neato, especially since you no longer have to wait for the pay-per-view porn to start.

As a movie hits the video stores, that title will probably be offered to On-Demand customers within a week or two. My cable company charges five bucks a movie. Porn is $14.95. :eek:
I went nuts with it when I first got it (not the porn…honest) and I got a shock when my cable bill came. No way in the world would I have ’
rented that many movies in a month. In fact, a note with my last bill stated that…this was for all customers…no one could exceed 20 movies in a billing period any more. Apparently people were getting sticker shock with their bills, and balking at payment.

My cable system has on-demand channels for each of the premium movie systems, HBO, SHO, etc., and they’re free to subscribers to that service. Not all programs or movies are available though. However, I find the image quality to be noticeably worse than regular programs.

You can get on-demand streaming video of NWA:TNA old shows (its a wrestling program) from their website- any footage they’ve done, basically. Will that do?