Is anyone else annoyed by the word "veggies"?

And they get pressies for Chrissie. I think the addition of “ie” to shorten words is pretty prevalent down there. See also: shrimp on the barbie.

My mother said I made “yummy” sounds like that when I was an infant. I hope your could restrain yourself from punching a baby in the face. :upside_down_face:

I agree. Both are somewhat annoying to me. I think it’s because ‘pud’ sounds like pudenda. ‘Veg’ just sounds like someone too lazy to say more than one syllable…similar to ‘za’ for pizza.

My version is Easy Peasy George and Wheezy.


I don’t mind “veggies”, and sometimes use it.

What bothers me is “poop”, in the context of articles etc. written for adults. “Poop” to me is a word for toddlers. If you can’t bring yourself to say “shit”, what’s wrong with “dung” or “excrement” or “turd” or even “BM”?

I don’t like that one either. It seems to me to carry an implication that the words “vagina” and “vulva” are somehow dirty; and an additional implication that you’re “tee-hee”-ing about how daring you think you are to be mentioning such things at all. (General you, of course.)

Yeah. But “za” is a great word to use in Scrabble, especially when there’s an A next to a triple-letter space and you happen to have another A. Easy 62 points.

The word I hate is “kiddos”, especially when said by our local newscasters. They’re kids, or better, children.

Here’s a thread from a year ago about terms like “veggies” that piss some people off. “Veggies” took a beating in that thread. The OP will approve.

“Veggies” also gets a dis-honorable mention well down in this long-running and still ongoing thread from 3-1/2 years ago:

Veggy doesn’t bother me, but I go by the rule I learned in second grade that “you change the y to an i, and add e s to make a word ending in y plural”!

Anyway, the one that I hate is alum. Alum is used in pickles. It’s aluminum potassium sulfate. Alumnus, alumni, alumna, and alumnae are short enough and sound and read much better than alum or alums.

They have to talk fast, they’re busy running away from venomous plants and animals.

BTW, didn’t the Beatles start out on VeeJay records?

I’m not familiar with that term either but I was too perplexed to dig too much into where the term came from. Could’ve been a regionalism of course and who am I to talk? I’m from the north-east of the UK and we are no strangers to curious terms that make no sense to anyone else.

I don’t mind the word “veggies” too much. I mean, I’ve heard the word pronounced “ve-gee-tuh-bulls” so it seems like a reasonable abbreviation. It’s a useful truncation.

On the other hand, “sammie” is the same number of syllables as “sandwich”. You save nothing in using it and are sacrificing whatever shred of dignity you might have.

Quizno’s sells something they call “sammies” and now they have seemingly vanished everywhere. (They filed for Chapter 11 in 2014, though the restaurant chain is still around somewhere.) I blame that choice.

I absolutely loathe “za”. The only reason to use it is to try to sound cool. You don’t sound cool. You sound like a really uncool person desperate to try to sound cool. Stop it.

Casual crudeness hidden, nothing but trolling from the looks.

I like it. It reminds me of titties. Well, if I’m in the melon section it does

I don’t think I’ve heard anyone use those terms before. It’s “vah-jayjay” and who says “veejay”?

Nah. I hate having to learn Latin declentions for a word I use in English. Alum it is. Covers all the bases. Plus, in today’s environment, it’s not gendered, so you don’t have to worry if someone identifies as an alumnus or alumna or other.

JAQ got it right

Or, like my ex-gf’s mother, not pronounce the “t”:


It drove me crazy.

The is a warning and a suspension and we’re reviewing your posting privileges as we speak. Grow up maybe.

My brother brought “za” home from the Navy back around 1995; it’s not something new. It never bugged me, but I don’t use it.

He (and USN) also had CLOP. Which is what za turns into tomorrow: Cold Left-over Pizza. CLOP makes an excellent breakfast.

You’re welcome! :wink:

I only know it from Harry Dresden books.

I find all of the above cutesy “abbreviations(?)” (is there a name for this type of word mutilation?) moderately annoying, but the one that really sets my teeth on edge is “goodie.” As in: “Did you find any little goodies at the yard sale?” Irrational, I know. Makes me cray cray🤢

Veggies make me think of the late, lamented Kitchen Kabaret show at The Land Pavilion at Epcot.