Is anyone else annoyed by the word "veggies"?

Dammit. Beat me to it. I was about to ask where we stand on “za” (full well knowing the answer.) My brother and I will use the term fairly regularly and completely tongue-in-cheek. It’s a good Scrabble word if your Scrabble dictionary allows it (I don’t know if they all do now or not. At some point, one did and one didn’t.)

“Nuggs” anyone for “nuggets”? There’s a lot of these one-syllable shortenings that one of the Youtube Bon Appetit hosts – Molly, I believe – would use all the time that just drove me nuts. “Pepper” was “pep.” “Nuggets” was “nuggs,” and there’s a whole bunch more that I don’t feel like rewatching her videos as they did, I admit, grate on me.

There’s a pizza chain here in Dayton that calls it “piazza.”

So I don’t mind people calling things yummy, but I do hate ‘yummy noises’. “Mmmm…mmmm.” I have a friend who used to do that quite intentionally, but also unironically, and it drove me batshit. Whenever he did it I just wanted to punch him in the face. Which I never failed to tell him, which always made him laugh :grinning:.

He was also guilty of extreme baby-talking to animals, which also sets my teeth on edge. I don’t mind milder versions of that, I may even be guilty of a little bit myself (in private and shamefully). But I have a line - it is abrupt, and it is undefinable, but I know it when I hear it. I will immediately flip from a tolerant ‘meh’ to full irritated cringe.

Probably off topic, but can we agree that anyone who says “easy peasy” may be beaten to a pulp, and that people who add “lemon squeezy” to it may be summarily executed?

After brekky, I take my dog out for walkies. They’re all perfectly cromulent words.

Omg, yes!! Even worse when they say/write, “It was soooooooo yummy!”

Qadgop, I’m afraid you lost me there…? May be missing something obvious?

Agreed. I feel the same way about how to tighten or loosen screws.


OP: No, but it wouldn’t surprise me if someone was annoyed.

Oh, yes. I saw a YouTube video by a woman about shaving – purely for research purposes – and she used ‘veejayjay’ every stinkin’ time. Lady, if you can’t say it, find another subject to talk about.

And she wasn’t even talking about her vulva, but rather her pubis.

Oh, and veggie(s) does annoy me. I thing veg would be okay but I don’t run into that use a lot here in the States.

‘Probably off topic, but can we agree that anyone who says “easy peasy” may be beaten to a pulp’?

Probably a bit too harsh. Locked in a rubber walled room for the remainder of their life seems appropriate, though.

Hmmm, I don’t have a problem with calling them veggies but I will say “Call Any Veggie” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

I can’t stand any of that sort of thing. But I move on, because it’s not my world anymore. It belongs to the younger generation. But as I think about it, it’s of course not a new phenomenon. We say “phone,” “plane,” “TV,” and so on. But it still bugs me in that annoying-but-hardly-world-impacting-way. These are hangnails, not things that affect lives.

YES. I also include any use of the word “nom” or “num”. Ugh - grow the fuck up, people!

I was unaware that some people say vee-jay-jay. The slang term was/is vah-jay-jay. I read that it was first used on some TV show (Grey’s Anatomy?) because the network wouldn’t allow “vagina,” even though “penis” was OK. At least the first syllable is the same. I wonder if those people say “Vee-gina,” too.

I’m not fond of the British “veg,” but it doesn’t irritate me as much as “pud” for pudding, aka dessert. “Pud” just sounds so ugly to me. I don’t know why.

Really? I’ll leave it to Quadgop to answer; I think he has worked in the medical field, Perhaps ‘tests’ is a medical euphemism used, just like (I think) “Haem” for bleeding and “coding” for serious life-threatening emergencies?

Basically to avoid alarming or offending the public?

I have zero issues with people using cutesy abbreviations in vernacular English, and sincerely hope that much of the sentiment above is hyperbole. If not, some people need to investigate the possibility of evacuating the cylindrical wooden object from their rectal orifice.

As I said, this was really intended as a rather lighthearted joke topic.
Anyone offended can take an arial copulatory attempt at a rotating toriodal pastry.
(With apologies to Kurt Vonnegut)!

I think I shall have to make ‘toroidal pastry’ a permanent fixture in my vocabulary.