Is anyone here tired of Trump and McConnell?


Is what you’re saying is that you want Warren to be picked so that the Democrats will lose a seat in the Senate? Whose side are you on?

And why didn’t you answer my earlier question about McGrath since she’s the actual candidate, not your fantasy one?

Stop watching right wing news.

I agree, that makes sense.

Well, of course I have a few issues with Trump and McConnell, but I really think what matters most is that the New York Yankees receive the humiliation of their existence in this, the most remarkable year in the history of baseball.

Benghazi!? Rice made an early press release that was later corrected. Trump has lied thousands of times without correction. And then there’s that pesky virus thing.

Oh yeah Hillary - don’t forget the emails! The Emails! The EEEEEeeeeemails!!!

The people who will vote for Rice don’t care.

No, when Trump brings it up and polls narrow or tighten in October, Rice will have to address it. Biden is seen as a president who will not last a term, so Republicans will ask voters if they want a President Rice who was involved in Benghazi, it will cancel out the Trump Russia/Ukraine issue.

The Massachusetts governor is Charlie Baker, a moderate Republican. Whenever there is a Senate vacancy, governors appoint a person until a special election.

Baker will probably appoint a Republican in the Weld/Romney mold, and that person will win that seat until up for reelection and loses to a Democrat.

I am an Independent.

I want Warren to be picked as VP, she is credible on economics and healthcare.

Rice would be a good Secy. of State or so on.

Aren’t you just as scared about Trump calling Warren, Pocahontas, and being a socialist-lite?

Luckily, it’s very easy to address. “No, I did not murder those American diplomats. Nor did I lie about the attacks. Several bi-partisan Congressional investigation found no misconduct by Secretary Clinton or anyone else”

Awfully breezy in this thread…

EDIT: never mind - read your post correctly this time.

Warren can handle Pence in the VP debate.

Harris is going to come across as the angry black woman, Rice as well.

Whitmer may be too green, and Pence may slam her on the virus response.

And the hits just keep on coming. What’s wrong with you?

I think we know.

A warm toaster can handle Pence in the VP debate.

good, but maybe with a little extra turn of the knife…

Several Republican led Congressional investigations, with which I and other members of the Obama administration agreed to cooperate, found no misconduct by Secretary Clinton or anyone else

Like The Holy Hair Helmet has anything to brag about?

Not to mention that Mother would get upset if he even THOUGHT about slamming a woman.

OP, did you really want an answer to your question? Are any of your threads asking honest questions? Do you really not know if anyone here is tired of Trump and McConnell?

If this is all on the up and up, I’ll take you seriously and answer “Yes.”