I ask because I got home from work and discovered that the Snickerpops had somehow managed to get a bag of brown sugar off the counter (I suspect one of the cats tried to push it off onto her head) and had eaten most of it. She seems fine; right now she’s sitting behind me in the chair looking very alert and…vibrating, or something. But is it going to do any damage besides extreme hyperness and maybe an upset tummy?
I don’t know about permanent damage, but expect to clean up a lot of puppy poop!
ETA: Squeeeee! She’s a cutie!
Maybe some increase in water consumption and urination. Should be over in a couple of days.
If you see anything wrong, take the cutie to the vet, or call him/her today.
And change his name to Snickerspoops
Your doggie is soooo cute!!! She’s a boxer, right??
I’m sure you already know this, but make sure you keep any and all chocolate out of reach of puppy…sounds like she’s got a sweet tooth and doggies love chocolate. My silly pug Ruby got a hold of some chocolate chips a few months ago and we thought she was gonna have to go to the emergency room but ended up just feeling yucky for a few hours. (whew!)
Well, she’s still all bouncy and happy, so it looks like no harm done. Her name’s actually Snickers, I just call her Snickerpops (actually I say “Schnickerpops”, which bugs my daughter to no end), and she’s part Pug, part Boston Terrier, and all impossibly cute. I keep trying to get a picture of her sitting on the couch looking woebegone and pathetic (she does “pathetic” so well) but as soon as I point the camera at her she perks up and comes over and licks my face. Silly dog.
We’ve discussed this before. That’s a typical BT trait. Sending scritches to Snickerpoops.
Wow! Part pug and part BT??!! I can’t wait to see more pics of her. Silly girl!
No idea as to the question (I feel like it’s already been answered anyway) but EEEEE cute dog! Is “Snickers” derived from it’s brown and caramel and nougat-colored fur?
Yup. She’s the color of a Snickers bar. With soft fuzzy muzzlepowches. Which I might be able to get a picture of if she’d sit still. I swear, she even sleeps with her eyes open.
I bought a Snickers bar that had soft fuzzy muzzlepowches once and I returned it. YMMV.
Ah, always blaming things on the evil cats, eh?
Gorging on brown sugar has gotta be better than wolfing down rancid dried blood from that fertilizer bag I left in the back yard.
I’ve warned Mrs. J. a thousand times not to do that…
I didn’t know Mrs. J was a member of the undead…
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
Do these look like innocent faces to you??
Aha! Muzzlepowches!
Yes, she’s wearing a frilly pink dress. It was on sale. Really.
I’m hopelessly lost, aren’t I?