So, my dog’s been scratching a lot (those tacky neighbor dogs, doncha know) so when I took him to get a haircut last Friday they gave him some Capstar. Well, now that he’s got short hair again, I see fleas all over the dog! Are these new fleas? Does it wear off that fast?
In other word, I’ve got some Frontline. Would that actually keep the things off him so they don’t come inside the house with him? I don’t want them getting on me!
Capstar sterilizes the fleas so that the eggs don’t hatch and the fleas have a short life and die soon to.
The Frontline liquid applied to the back of the neck spreads over the skin and kills the fleas.
The combo heart worm and flee pill sterilizes the fleas so that the eggs don’t hatch and the fleas have a short life and die soon to.
Check with your vet.
Capstar isn’t really going to help if your dog is getting a fresh supply of fleas every time he goes outside. Talk to your vet about Advantage or Frontline (I don’t know if you should use them while the Capstar is still in his system) and put out sevin dust in your yard. It doesn’t kill fleas, but they don’t like it and will go elsewhere.