well is he?
I have always thought that someone else’s sexual orientation was none of my business unless:
a) I had a sexual interest in the person, and/or
b) The person was a public figure with the ability to affect the social rights of others, and was acting antagonisticly to the equal enjoyment of those rights by all, and/or
c) very occasional prurient interest in total strangers, sparked by reading magazines in doctor’s waiting rooms or in planes (the only places I get to read the stuff - my dentist subscribes to higher level reading matter).
So what’s it with you? Got a fetish for paper people?
Well there hjave been a few columns when he seemed serious, sometimes bitingly sarcastic, occaisionally mean spirited, even downright angry, but even then you can still sense his basic good nature, More often than not he seems in good humor and happy. So I would think that in general he is lighthearted and gay. Of course at any given moment ,I can’t tell if he is or not.
“Pardon me while I have a strange interlude.” -Marx
Cecil covers everything, including gross stuff–not all that characteristic of daintier minds. I’d guess not.
I would say no, but I’m sure he would be honored that you’d ask!
I’ve heard that Cecil might be Ed. I don’t know anyone named gay.
To OP: Who cares? Why all this interest in who’s gay or not? Don’t ask, don’t frigging care! I’m find it stupid all this interest in the sexual orientation of: Mr. Clean, Bert and Ernie, the Teletubbies, Barney, etc., etc. Gad, don’t you have anything better to do, or do you have a crush on Cecil?
Cecil gay? That’s funny. Nobody could be that smart and be a human to boot. Cecil won the Nobel Prize for his “The Chicken or The Egg” paper in the Chicago Reader. In fact the paper was so good he got the Nobel Prize again the next year for the same article. Cecil is a computer. In fact, Cecil is a cluster of Super Computers.
Cecil lives under Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. There he advises the Defense Department, SD and the rest of the Universe through a direct dark fiber link to Area 51 antennas. The hacker attack last week was a ploy to disguise a link upgrade to another site. That new site is like Area 51 and now up links to a parallel Universe which Cecil also advises.
For the “well is he” I’d say yes, as judged from his writings, as he seems to be very happy and well adjusted.
What column is this about?
He’s supposedly married. To a woman. Not that that means anything.
But I’m with the “Why do you care?” crowd.
Cecil is not gay. He’s just educated. Certain people (mainly Bushlad voters) get those two confused, like “Pope” and “anti-Christ”.
John W. Kennedy
“Compact is becoming contract; man only earns and pays.”
– Charles Williams
John, that sounds exactly like something a gay, devil-worshipping communist would say!
This isn’t the first time there has been confusion on this topic, but I believe the original question really meant to ask whether Cecil is gry.
And the anwser–yes, Cecil is gry, although, more precisely, sometimes he is hungry, occasionally he is angry, and most often he is a third word that I can’t remember off-hand.
Personally, I could really care less. But ( I’m not supposed to start a sentance with but ) I’m new at this kind of thing and I suppose if I put in my answer… wait a minute… Good thing I stopped myself, was about to go into an autobiography. Cecil’s gay? More importantly, does Cecil use gel or paste? That’s the right question.
Pretty classic post there, Whitetho.
Who’s Cecil?
Why? You wanna ask him out?
When all else fails, ask Cecil.
From the oh-so-apropos .sig line file:
You mean he’d be your last choice, JAB?
Feed not the troll.
Anybody see Green Mile?
Is it any good?
Voted as: The poster you’d most like to meet.
I demand a recount.
I thought “The Green Mile” was excellent. A lot of people like to complain about how long it is. My response: If you don’t like to watch long movies, don’t go see them! Anyway, the book is a little different than the movie, but the film prettymuch sticks to the story. See it
If he’s gay, why call it the ‘Straight Dope?’
Maybe he’s trying to hide something. Maybe he wants to be overtly straight because he’s having trouble acceptiont the thoughts that cross his mind when he’s with certain men. Here’s an out-of-context quote from http://www.straightdope.com/columns/950526.html
What game are YOU playing?