is charred food bad for you?

Someone told me that that burnt parts of barbequed steak is bad for you…I kind of like the taste, and I would think carbon isnt a bad thing, other than it would get you constipated…but is it a “carcinagen” -sp?

I believe I’ve read a study that starches, when exposed to heat, turn carcinogenic exponentially as a function of applied heat. Burnts to a crisp being the extreme of that, so I assume it’s pretty bad. This only applied to starches though, so I don’t know. I generally feel that meat is overall better for you than anything starchy, so to me burnt meat would be better than unburnt potatoes, but I could be wrong.

According to this (cite source looks slightly suspect but their cites look sound enough)

So yes, burnt food is relatively carcinogenic. No data about how it affects men though.

Data from the NIH

So why do the Japanese, who presumably eat far less cooked red meat than westerners, have among the highest rates of stomach cancer?

Because overcooked food is not the only cause of stomach cancer. Salted fish and pickled veges, smoking and alcohol abuse are likely to be the contributors in their case.

Look… is there anything fun to eat that doesnt’ cause cancer?

Are you sure they have more stomach cancer? Or just less other things to die of?

Presumably, this would mean that even a few extra years of life expectancy would raise the apparent death rate due to stomach cancer.

Cecil speaks.

Charcoal is an old (and effective) remedy for settling indigestion. But you don’t really want it with extra carcinogens.

Who cares? Tastes good. You’re not gonna live forever.

No. Nothing at all in the world.

Doctors go overboard and fight each other to tell you the worst news. This doesn’t mean they’re always wrong, but the old maxim is best: Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Did I mean maxim or axiom? Now my own head is confused :confused: …I’m pretty sure I meant axiom, though.

Each other! :smiley:

IIRC, I’ve read that charring food causes a carcinogenic substance called Pyrene to form.