Is Dan Carlin related to George Carlin?

I recently discovered Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast and the other night, as I was listening to it in bed, I couldn’t help but think “Damn. He sounds a lot like George Carlin. I wonder if they’re related?”

So are they?

Albert Brooks, the voice of Nemo’s Dad (in Finding Nemo) is Super Dave’s brother…does that help?

(sorry, always looking for a place to toss that totally random place of trivia in).

ETA, FWIW, both IMDB and Wiki both mention only one brother, Patrick.

Doesn’t seem to be. Wikipedia says that Dan Carlin is the son of Academy Award nominated actress Lynn Carlin and film producer Ed Carlin. Neither of those seem to be related to George, at least not that I could find on Wikipedia and IMDB.

ETA: Wikipedia link: Dan Carlin - Wikipedia

I just found that as well, unless Dan didn’t want it mentioned (and George (well, his family/agent)) didn’t want it mentioned, it would have said it there.

Since this is about show biz, let’s move it to Cafe Society.

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George Carlin had pretty much no relatives in Hollywood. His daughter Kelly does some radio stuff and has a one-woman show about her father.

Thanks for the info. I was just super curious (and couldn’t find anything either, which is why I was hoping you guys would be able to) because to me it seems like he has a lot of the same inflections, style of talking and even a voice that sounds very, very similar to George Carlin’s.

So if they’re not related…they sure do sound alike!