Is "Die Hard" a Christmas Movie?

Exactly. We need to define Christmas Movie I guess. For example the movie Holiday Inn (with Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby) is technically not a Christmas Movie other than singing “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas” one time. But it is a Christmas movie, just like “Die Hard” is because it takes place during Christmas Season; When I think about it, I also think of Christmas; so I think it IS a Christmas Movie and I voted that it wasn’t; until I thought about it for a while.

So my definition of a Christmas movie is simply: “Does that movie evoke thought of Christmas to me?” Yes. Yes it does.

Concur with jingle bells on.

Quite so.
And as other posters have said “The Great Escape” is also a ‘Xmas movie’.

that’s another good question

is “Jingle Bells” a Christmas song?

I’m sorry to nitpick, but as this is my favorite movie, and one of my favorite lines, I must correct you.

“It’s Christmas, Theo. It’s the time of miracles. So be of good cheer…and call me when you hit the last lock.”

IMO, Jingle Bells is a winter song. Not a Christmas song.

In my defense, I’m usually fairly nogged-up on Christmas Eve.

Plus it’s been almost a year since I watched it.


No, it’s not a Christmas movie.

It’s the Christmas movie.

(You want proof? Tell me I can only watch one Christmas movie this year.)

It’s part of my Christmas playlist

It’s a Wonderful Life
A Christmas Carol
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation *
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
[sub]The only time I ever heard my grandma belly laugh was during this movie. Before that, I didn’t think she was capable[/sub]

“Now I have a machine gun… Ho ho ho”

“Jesus Christ, Powell, he could be a fucking bartender for all we know!”

“Jesus Christ, Ellis these people are gonna kill you! Tell them, you don’t know me!”

“Come out to the coast…we’ll get together…have a few laughs…”

“It’s Christmas, Theo. It’s the time of miracles. So be of good cheer… and call me when you hit the last lock.”

Don’t forget Trading Places

I voted yes.

He’s going to a company Christmas party, the music, the “ho ho ho” line.

I don’t watch it at Christmas and it was released in the summer, but it is basically a Christmas movie.

Let’s also not forget the essential Christmas song this movie features, “Christmas in Hollis” by Run DMC.


And the guy in the manhole who cuts the power in Die Hard is fat Gus in Groundhog Day.

When my husband was very sick, the last Christmas we had, I had some weird fantasy evening planned of watching Christmas movies. So before I left for work, I told him “Get us some Christmas movies for tonite.”
And on Christmas Ever we watched Die Hard & Die Hard II.

I honestly thought we were completely unique in this. Until I saw this thread. Nice memory.

Does this mean Lethal Weapon is also a Christmas movie?

I believe that’s already been verified in this thread as a yes.

Well, what else should I wear to my neighbors’ Christmas party?

It’s a Wonderful Life is a Christmas movie because it has that Christmas schmaltz. Jingle All the Way has that as well, plus it is about Christmas shopping and references a Christmas song* in its title.

*And, yes, I know that “Jingle Bells” is arguably a not Christmas song. But it is a song about the joys of winter, and Christmas is ultimately a holiday designed to make winter more enjoyable. And so are the above movies.

To me, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. It is an action movie that happens to take place at Christmas.

That being said, after a month of “heartwarming family fare” on TV, I find that Die Hard is a must for Christmas Eve.

Welcome to the party, pal!