Is Donald "Trump" even compos mentis?

Seems to me that anyone with even a steric of measurable synaptic activity, can see that Donald J. “Trump” Drumpf is―for the want of a better expression―a man-child ―

The “man” (biologically speaking) acts like your stereotypical ghetto-rapper-made-rich: brags about his exorbitant wealth; festoons everything he [apocryphal] produces with his stage name; complains and derides the institutions and wider society which have afforded him his opulent existence; offers nothing of his own wherewithal towards rectifying the apparent―as he sees it―‘problems’; yet, displays an unashamëd Messiah complex…

He seemingly (i.e., [safely] assuming he’s not plying Oscar-worthy Stanislavsky stylings) has the intelligence of a mildly retarded primate, and with the worldly awareness of a lost Amazonian tribesman: his diction indeed beseems that of the “4-grader” that some have already assessed his competency in the relevant departments as; his oration smacks of, if not diagnosable echolalia, then at least that of someone who lacks a filter between the brain-fart-producing region of his cerebrum and his lowbrow verbiage-spouting, slack-jawed gob; even his (presumably) vetted(?) textualised messages come across as if made by an angsty, “alt-right” teenager “deplorables”; he continually demonstrates an utter ignorance of the zeitgeist, even in this insta-info digital world…

He’s arguably an escutcheon for everything wrong with capitalism: a recidivist bankruptcy clause abuser; a failed business scam artist shonk; his businesses built with inherited wealth and through the pervasion of smut-filled casinos, migrant-worker-made ostentation edifices, sales of ‘Made in Sweatshop’ bric-à-crap accoutrements and lowest common denominator pandering, self-indulgent ‘reality T.V.’ schlock…

He exhibits the distinct signs of pathological mendacity: his vagary in flip-flopping on political platforms [please…] on a near daily basis; refusal to buttress his blowhard, braggadocio claims of being “very, very rich” or “the fittest presidential candidate ever” (…though, admittedly, being a septuagenarian–and as long as he doesn’t keel over during his acceptance speech―the latter claim may in fact be true by default!); his business practices are littered with trails of lies and false promises; hypocritically apportions blame for the apparent U.S. economic predicament (as he sees it), yet he himself, in his character as a “1%” businessperson, is certainly largely responsible for the situation/s he delegates culpability for upon everyone and sundry (but himself)… heck!, he even rolls his eyeballs back towards his frontal cortex [ostensible] when asked unvetted questions ― literally a beginner level ‘tell’ of lie detection!

…And then you have the litany of his―albeit superficial―though just as chalkboard-scratching annoying―nuances, idiosyncrasies and dispositional traits, that make the guy, not only unlikable to the rationally-minded observer, but (from all accounts) even to those that have met him and know him personally (…but who are not bound to deference through agency of financial cuckolding… if not contractual obligation!).

What blows my mind like a mental MOAB, is that this guy is (i) a presidential candidate for the sole, soi-disant “superpower” on the planet, and also (ii) that he is now looking distinctly like he may even seize power… and on little more than the kyphotically hunched backs of U.S. denizen ‘mushroom’ malcontents and near-illiterate ignoramuses! (…and the infirm-looking nature of the candidate “voted” [lol… -George W.] to oppose him).

Surely this episode in the U.S.'s rather… erhm, inglorious history, must finally be the proof of holy writ many have sought that epithets, like “idiot America”, are in fact ensconced in truth, and that the facade of this nation being some beacon unto others (in anything other than what not to be), is wholly a concoction of the machinations of its intramural powers; pervaded to dupe and spoil jingoistic, nationalistic fervour; in turn facilitating acquiescence for wars of profit and power, and the maintenance of the egregious inequity the nation is infamous for… surely?

How much stupidity does it take, and to what degree must it manifest, such that it renders one stupid, by definition?

As for Donny-D and the Foolish Bunch and the not-so-good vibrations he and his coterie of cronies are reverberating across to the planet: Methinks the esteemed, Ph.D neurosurgeon-cum-philosopher, Sam Harris surmised it best the other day, in his Waking Up podcast ―

:D… :dubious: WTF, burgers…?! :smack:

iLemming, this is your fourth straight thread start that’s being moved to The Pit.

Any more like this and you’ll be earning warnings and I might even just disappear the threads. I want you to learn which threads go where.

The fonts! They burn!

I have a feeling I sort of agree with the OP, but I got lost somewhere around “echolalia.” That boy uses more syllables than an Italian menu.

Op non compos mentis est.

Yabbut, Hillary is a liberal. It doesn’t get worse than that.

Nah, I hear he “prefers” altoids “to” mentos"."

Explain “burgers”.

Heck, I want his OPs to make sense. I’m not holding out much hope for either of us getting our wants catered to in the near future. :smiley:

Well at the very least I don’t think there’s any doubt he has narcissistic personality disorder.

I’m genuinely scared that he’s going to win. And I know how strange using the word “scared” is in this context, but he’s light years worse than even Dubya. I wouldn’t want him mowing my lawn let alone leading the free world.

In my lifetime it seems the more charismatic candidate for leader has always won. It’s the only thing Trump has over Hillary, but it’s also the most important :frowning:

I think the umlaut over the e is key to understanding this.

My brain hurts.

It will have to come out!

You are smart enough to realize his name actually is Trump, right? You don’t need quotes around it. It isn’t a nickname.

Nope, he’s not.

Again, using needlessly big words doesn’t make what you have to say any better. And this time, what you have to say isn’t even wrong. But the way you write it actually makes you look stupider, rather than smart.

Yeah, it is ridiculous that someone as clearly mentally unsound as Donald Trump is not only running but could possibly win the job as leader of the one remaining superpower on earth. And, yes, it does say something profoundly negative about the American people. That we really have become this stupid.

But this is not such a profound observation that you need to try and convince us using a large vocabulary. You’ll find many people here have said the same thing.

As it is, you write in a manner similar to those who have schizophrenia, even though you aren’t saying anything remotely delusional. If you want people to listen, talk like a normal person.

Echolalia would be “speaking in tongues” as practiced in some Christian sects. However, he appears to be using it refer to the gibberish that sometimes used by those with dementia.

He’s basically just saying what we’ve all said about Trump. He’s not all there. The way he talks implies some loss of mental faculties. And that it’s insane that the American public is giving him a chance to win.

But, for some reason, he thinks he needs to consult a thesaurus for every word.

So long as he’s getting those results, I’m reluctant to call it stupidity.

You say he’s acting in a way that won him the nomination – and it’s entirely possible that acting differently wouldn’t have done that. And he may yet win the presidency with that same approach – sure as acting differently could instead result in a loss.

Given that, ‘stupid by definition’ doesn’t seem like the right description; whether it blows your mind has nothing to do with whether it’s a winning strategy, and whether it’s stupid to pursue a winning strategy. (And, in the event of a Trump loss: whether it’s stupid to pursue a strategy that had a pretty good shot at winning.)

iLemming, you’re a stupid Reddit troll that’s washed up here in more ways than one. You try to use big words but, really, it’s the small ones which mark you out as a low-effort /r/The_Donald shitposter that’s so far out of its element it’s like watching a pigeon playing chess.

An obsession with cuckolding (using that very specific term, no less) and the very Polandball-esque move of calling Americans “burgers” are all the evidence anyone needs to peg you for the specific kind of loser you are. It would be amusing if things like you weren’t so common these days.

What’s all this fuss about composting Mentos?