Is Eggnog Kosher?

I recently noticed two different Jewish humor books made a reference to drinking eggnog. They both claimed it would be unusual for Jews to drink eggnog. Does eggnog violate Jewish dietary laws? Or is it a cultural reference, or just pulling my leg?

I keep kosher; a few years ago, at a grad school holiday party, I sampled some mass-produced, kosher certified eggnog, and thought it was pretty good. It’s probably just that eggnog is intensely associated with Christmas, which is not exactly a Jewish cultural thing.

Seriously, it’s okay to mix eggs and dairy? With rum? My ignorant ass woulda said that was a bad idea, and I keep the booze out of the kitchen entirely. Am I that far off base? Does it matter if the coils on my oven are clean? Argh?

The only problem I see with kosher eggnog is that you can’t have it in conjunction with meat dishes. But that’s true of anything with dairy.

Looks like you can get kosher eggnog at Starbucks, according to

I caught a blog about vegan eggnogs that would certainly be pareve. Nog It In A Non-Dairy Way. Holly Nog and Silk Nog and recipes for homemade nog are all egg and milk-free. No problem.

And here’s what you can wear to the affair, a Chrismukkah T-Shirt Black "Kosher Eggnog.

It’s not about eggs and dairy, it’s about the thickener. Many brands of eggnog are thickened with gelatin.

Gelatin is made from the dried bones or skins of animals, as well as skins or scales from fish

There are opinions that gelatin made from non-kosher animals can be considered kosher since the bones or skins are completely dried and flavorless and, during the process, the material is treated with strong chemicals which make it completely inedible.

OK Kosher, along with all other major kashrus agencies, does not permit the use of gelatin made from non-kosher animals due to the concern that the bones and skins may not have been completely dried. Despite the fact that the production process renders the gelatin inedible, it cannot be used as leniency because the gelatin becomes edible and is mixed with food at the end of the process.

In order for the gelatin to be kosher certified, it must be made from kosher animals that underwent kosher slaughter and processing, or from kosher fish. If the equipment is not dedicated to kosher production, it must be completely cleaned, left idle for 24 hours, and then kosherized properly

Commercial eggnog is typically thickened with vegetable gums, not gelatin (same as some ice creams). Completely different mouth-feel.

I found out several years ago (and mentioned it in a thread somewhere here) that if you cross cows with chickens, and raise the babies on cinnamon pine cones, they will give egg-nog when they grow up.

It hadn’t occurred to me that egg-nog also includes rum. I suppose you have to add that separately.

Couldn’t you give it to the cows ?

You can’t tip cows when they’re already laying on the ground.

The eggnog I’ve gotten from stores never did. You would always have to add your own if that was your thing.

Right now I’m wondering how the supply chain issues will impact vegan eggnog. (I can’t have dairy, and there seem to be few dairy-free items with egg in them.) I presume normal stuff will be okay, since dad’s already picked up some.

Bevmo has a couple with liquor included. I would expect the same from liquor stores in general.