Just now starting to feel right! Was overseas, mostly on the beach, but spent a week with friends in Singapore, before returning home two weeks ago. They were all sick over Christmas, but when we arrived the three really only had a dry hacking cough remaining.
It was a whirlwind week, tons of fun and good food, and I took the precaution of gargling with salt water before bed every night. After a few days it looked like we were going to skate by without catching it.
Then the day before we would spend 30 hrs hard travel time, getting home, I awoke feeling sick as a dog. My sinus(s) were infected, my head was clogged, and I felt like crap!
But what can you do? Only onward, that’s what. Plus we left in the tiny hours of the morning, so we were awake many hours before the clock started on the 30hrs. Yikes!
It wasn’t pleasant but I managed it pretty well, all thing considered. I wasn’t vomiting, thank goodness, but the air pressure changes were nightmarish, and my head pounded. We were both in pretty good shape until the 2.5 hr mini bus ride, to our city, from the Toronto airport, it just did us in! We arrived finally at our house terribly dishevelled and a little punch drunk too, from lack of sleep.
The dog walker was just leaving as we pulled up and came in to greet us, etc. I’m pretty sure I gave him, in those few short minutes, whatever foreign contagion I cared home. He was wicked sick the next day!
I was at my Dr, for something else, day after arrival, and she gave me some antibiotics, (which she rarely does, I was a tad surprised!), and told me to stay in and lay low until I was better.
Which I did, putting off seeing several people, sleeping off my jet lag and trying to readjust from +30 degrees Celsius, to -30 Celsius, and from super humid to furnace blasting Sahara dry! Who knew a person could sleep so much? I swear all I did was sleep for three days or more.
Here I am exactly two weeks later and only just now really starting to feel human again. Time to stop hibernating, bundle up, and get on with it.
(My friends are getting a lot of joy from asking me, “What’s the matter? You cold?” Yes, yes I am! Because it’s freaking freezing. I don’t care that it was colder, earlier in the season! Stop telling me that! It’s cold now! And if it warms up 20 degrees? It’s still going to be freezing! And I’m still gonna be cold!)