Is it just me or does Hillary Clinton look insanely hot in this picture?

I vote for hot. She’s the kind of smart cute girl that totally ignored me when I was in electronics school. :slight_smile:

Yeah,** Tastes of Chocolate**, cheese, men. I make a joke and I end up looking at outdated porn.

Now if you have pix of the Bush twins, I will trade for the hot pix of the Barbra matriarch.

SSG Schwartz

Holy cow, I had no idea Ike was ever that good looking.

I was thinking the same thing when I saw that picture. Dayum!!! Another one is Jane Goodall. Holy balls she had a smokin body and great long legs back in the day.

Well, not everyone ages well:

I’d slip her the salami.

Although, I think that’s a padded bra. Big turn-off for me.

Wow, Eleanor had some beautiful eyes.

Here’s Barbara looking young and shapely.

Oh, man, I’m sorry. Flame me if you like, but I can’t resist. That was probably the last time she did look hot. (But yeah, she’s very cute in that picture.)

I never noticed before what an amazing resemblance Chelsea bears to Hillary. When I first clicked on it, I thought it was a picture of Chelsea and you were jerking our collective chain.

I like the way that the stripes on her pants form a pattern that hypnotically draws the eye right into her crotch.

I saw the picture linked in the OP earlier today on the NY Times site and yes, I thought Hillary was looking mighty fine back then. But I had seen other pictures of her at around the same time where she looked pretty good too.

Here’s the other Hillary pic I thought was cute. I forget how I found it, but I remember being shocked.

You noticed too? :smiley:

Yeah, I see it…now.

So, Shibby, did you fall out of your chair twice?


Yes, that was one of the ones I had seen. Extremely cute.

I think that first picture of her is extremely hot. Very, very sexy.

The second, with the striped pants, not so good. The third one she looks very pretty and wholesome. But she’s smokin’ in the first. They must have made a gorgeous couple.

I’ll refrain from posting pictures, but I will point out that Nancy Reagan was a professional actress, and Betty Ford was a model and dancer for a number of years. She even danced with the Martha Graham organization.

Unattractive people wouldn’t have gotten so far in either job.

I’m going to have to turn in my VRWC card for this but she reminds me of Angelina Jolie in that pic. Only not slutty.

At least she doesn’t look like this picture. Or this one.