Is it just me, or is Yahoo! mail turning to crap?

Yahoo is my default e-mail.
I use the “old” version instead of the changes they instituted a couple of years ago, and have had no noticeable problems.

I said this in the “how do you do your email” thread, but I have had yahoo since 2000 and I don’t like it any more. One of my biggest peeves is that on my small netbook, I cannot use the new mail properly. All the graphics and ads take up too much space on the monitor. Some websites (SDMB, for example) adjust the content to the size of your window. Yahoo doesn’t. So even if you had a big giant monitor, but just had a small window open, you’d be equally frustrated.

So I have to use Mail Classic.

I’m worried about when they try to make themselves into a more social network, like google buzz. I know it’s in the works.

So, I was just searching around on Yahoo’s menu for mail options but I couldn’t find any option to “downgrade” back to regular / classic / whatever version.

Does anybody know if this is possible?

Wow, have I just stepped into a hot tub time machine or something? I didn’t think anyone used yahoo mail anymore.

I still use it. I haven’t had any problems, and just haven’t had a reason to change it. I get a lot of automatic payment receipts and stuff that I just don’t feel the need to change around since Yahoo works fine. Since it syncs great with my iPhone, too, I just have no reason to go through the pain of switching.

I stay signed out of messenger so it always reads “offline” and I run AdBlockerPlus on Firefox, so no ads and no messaging requests.

Last time I checked, Yahoo charged for it’s forwarding, and Gmail only picks up POP email, something else Yahoo charges for.

I made the change back in 2004. I copied over any subscriptions, left a 6 mont auto reply that said to resend to Gmail, and checked it every few months.

Then I forgot about it, and somebody hacked it.

(BTW, the reason I left was because I was getting too much Spam in my Inbox. I recently rechecked my old account, and that’s still a significant problem. Though Gmail’s occasionally blocking Youtube notices is really funny to me.)

Same here. It’s been my default email for the past 12 years. No real problems.

Within the last couple months, there was a link that said “Switch to Mail Classic” or something to that affect towards the top.