Is it just me?

For some reason, i just think this is wrong, wrong wrong.

Eh. It’s not something I would ever buy, especially not for $319, but I don’t see anything intrinsically wrong here. What’s your beef with it?

Personally, I think it’s silly-looking.

Also, $319 is a lot to pay for $43 of silver.

It’s like a Batman Father’s Day card. AKA wrong in the head.

I’m surprised there’s idiots out there The Franklin Mint hasn’t found already.

Um…why does the werewolf have a vulva?

I assume the joke is about a silver coin being issued to commemorate werewolves.

That’s where I was leaning too. Also the fact that in a series of 4 pictures they managed to never show me the 2nd side of the coin.

Got me thinking about other inappropriate products:

The Flash Jr Chemistry Set
Dracula’s Old World Garlic Powder
Wonder Woman Ball Gag
Border Patrol Badge with Superman Logo
24K Gold Replica Green Lantern Ring
Lex Luthor’s School for Kids Who Can’t Read Good
Aquaman Brand Tuna
Hourman’s Chinese Restaurant

Here you go.

I guess no one noticed that the mintage is only 999.

Congratulations on landing that big contract. Here, have a werewolf!

…When I saw your talent, only one thing could encompass your compassion, ability, and drive for success: Silver Werewolf Porn.

Insert obligatory Three Wolf Moon joke here.

They need a Three Werewolf Moon coin (and shirt).

Thanks - now I can’t NOT see it!

I don’t think the coin is wrong, but I don’t really get the point of it, either. Hey, if it’s made with real silver, maybe you’re supposed to melt it down and shoot a real werewolf with it!

Highly recommended: the cult 90’s series She Wolf of London.

Boy werewolfs have a penis. Girl werewolfs have a vagina.
Yes, I am away the proper plural is werewolves and that a vagina and a vulva are not the same thing.

Thanks for the tip.

Granted, if you’re ever in a situation where you need that information, you’re probably already in trouble.

And the obvious solution: silver werewolf porn.

Don’t know about the rest of it, but 999% purity is clearly wrong.