Is it possible to retrieve my Charter Member Tag?

Some are more special than others, that’s all.


Wait. That’s easy for you to say :mad: . And you Darth Nader :mad: .

No, the title does matter, and I too was once special. No longer. I guess its been awhile, but now I am reminded.

Nof air.

NOF air?

Damn skippy.

Shouldn’t you be the one retrieving your tag, Yesterdog?

But not everyone is special. Only everyone on this board is special. :smiley:

That’s what I’m trying to do.

Oh. Um…yes.

Sorry. I get overexcited at times.
I wish you luck in your quest, Yesterdog.

I’m not…

Being called special now means retarded in most cases, so no I’m not special. Most people here are not special. We are an exemplary group. Let’s see the social service people bastardize that.


(See my username :))

We beg to differ. :slight_smile:

I thought a noon special was kinda like a quickie, and you were just a bad speller.

Well put. :dubious:

I want out.

I did know the second definition when I posted. I thought it was perfect for this group. Look at how picky and admonishing this board has been for the last week. The word works on two levels.

From the Merriam Webster online dictionary.

1 a : serving as a pattern b : deserving imitation : COMMENDABLE <his courage was exemplary>; also : deserving imitation because of excellence <they serve exemplary pastries – G. V. Higgins>
2 : serving as a warning : MONITORY <given an exemplary punishment>

Well, if by “exemplary” you mean “has internet access and fifteen dollars to kill” you might be onto something.

Some of us only need kill half that. The Knights Exemplar, so to speak.


Hey, don’t get mad at me. SDSABers don’t pay nuttin’.