Is it racist to not be attracted to people of different races?

Perhaps you can launch a scientific societial method to alter people’s sexual drives. That always goes well.

That makes you a sexist pig!!

So are you referring to bacon now at the expense of ham?


Are there really (otherwise normal) people out there who aren’t attracted to specific races? As in, “there is not one single human being of that race I have ever been/will ever be attracted to”? I find that very hard to believe, and would consider a person making such a claim a racist.

Sexual preferences are a different story (i.e. if a person is mostly attracted to black guys, but wouldn’t turn down a hunky Latino). I wouldn’t go around advertising those preferences, though; it seems tacky.

Yeah, I count on one hand too when I see a woman I’m attracted to.

Every race has plenty of people one should find date-able. If not, the person is racist. To think of dating in terms of race n not people is racist.


That’s a no brainer. Obviously the English.

I think you raise a good point: there’s a difference between a preference (such as preferring people of a particular race), and not being attracted at all to anyone of the “wrong” race.

No, you’re in denial.

Having a preference is absolutely not racist.

Putting “No blacks” or “whites only” on your personal ad for dating or hookups or whatever is absolutely racist and offensive, because you ARE actively denigrating someone by implying they are not good enough for you.

Now if you say something like “I’m typically only attracted to hispanic and white men…” that’s one thing.

It’s all about how you say it.

Where’s all the white wimmin at?

What I dislike is when I indicate I’m seeking Asians, and I receive replies from East Indians, stating they are Asian. (Are they?) I am geographically retarded so I could be wrong in thinking they are not. That aside, when I say Asians, I mean the ones with light, hairless skin and slanted eyes.


It’s racist to say that you would never date someone of another race. However, to say you’ve never been attracted to a black/white/asian/latino/whatever person, that’s just a preference. If you’re single and interested in dating, there’s always the possibility that you will meet a person of the race you aren’t normally attracted to and find that individual attractive. In that circumstance, to refuse to date them due to their race would be racist.

I am white and have never dated a black man. I don’t generally find black men attractive, including celebrities who are know for their attractiveness. Idris Elba would be the exception here :wink: In real life, were I single I would certainly date a black man (or man of any race) if I found him attractive and he had the personality factors I look for.

This is a valid question, and I’m still unsure in what sense the OP really means ‘racist’. It’s a word that sounds like it would always be a bad thing, but why?

And ‘discriminatory’ is worse still - I’m being discriminatory when I choose chocolate ice cream over vanilla (or vice versa).

So… if ‘racist’ means ‘being discriminatory in an unacceptable way’, some people’s answers to the poll will be different than if it just means ‘discriminatory in the sense of expressing a preference’

Missed edit:
Think of it this way. I’m brunette. If a man said didn’t want to date me because he wasn’t attracted to me, well that kind of sucks, but it’s life. That’s part of the whole dating game.

But if he said he didn’t want to date me because he only dates blondes, I’d be pissed.

I discriminate against all women who don’t want to sleep with me.

Of course we are Asian. :mad: :mad: :mad: Look at the subcontinent.

It’s not discrimination if it applies equally to everyone.

(Just kidding!)