Is it still worthwhile to jailbreak your Iphone?

I had my Ipod touch jailbroken through the early days of 2.0. Since then I’ve had technical difficulty jailbreaking it.

Back in the early days of the app store, there were still high(er) quality apps being made for the jailbreaking community. Is that still the case, or has everyone moved over to making legit apps?

What are the benefits to jailbreaking current iphones?

Ad blocking software. But you didn’t hear that from me.

Wait, I’m a member now. I can say it. I adblock everything!

I imagine some kinds of apps are still jailbroken-only; e.g., SNES emulators, that sort of thing. But I don’t really know anything.

I’m curious as well. I jailbroke my old Iphone for shits and giggles, but I have yet to do so on my current Iphone.

Your camera will take video, I don’t remember the name of the app though. I thought of jailbreaking it for that but haven’t yet.

Yes but the current iPhone will take video without needing to be broken.