Is it that hard to reset the copier??

I just wanted one copy. One. I put my page in the feeder and pushed Start. And it started spewing out 10 sheets. Wasted paper, wasted toner. All because someone wasn’t thinking.


Yeah, I should have checked that the machine was set to do what I wanted. But most of the time, it’s set for a single, unreduced and unmagnified copy on plain paper. That’s the default. If I hit the reset button, that’s what I get. After I make multiple collated copies, I hit Reset. It’s not difficult - you can do it too!

Admittedly a weak rant, but it still ticks me off. Once upon a time, we had a copier that reset itself to default after 5 minutes idle. That was a good copier. Wonder if the current one can be set up that way?

Don’t mind me - I just hate wasting paper.

Why not just hit reset before making your copy?

I’d have to second Libertarian

For the same reason I shouldn’t have to flush the urinal before taking a piss. It’s just good manners, man.

I said this was a weak rant and I said I probably should have checked the settings. Still, when I run off multiples of stuff, I hit reset before I leave the machine. I don’t think the people who come after me appreciate getting a handful of copies when they want one…

No, it’s not that big a deal, but better to rant here than hold down the offending coworkers and inflict numerous paper cuts.

Oh, come on. You mean you didn’t want 10 sets of collated, stapled copies run on bright orange legal-sized paper?

You party pooper.

(for the record, this pisses me off, too)

Kind of like checking the squirt ketchup bottle in the restaurant to make sure some dipshit hasn’t filled it with salt and left the cap loose. ‘SPLORP!’

I am a professional copy-maker. Our machines reset within one minute. This is good for the self-service machines, where most of the time they’re only being used to make one or two copies, but the ones we use behind the counter are set up the same way, which is incredibly annoying. If you’re setting up a complicated job, and in the middle of it another customer walks up to the counter and you have to help him, by the time you walk back to the machine it’s back to default and you have to redo everything.