Is It Too Late To Ask Canada To Liberate Us From Bush?

I was taught to believe in the philosophy: It is never too late! Not a bad idea, actually! We need the movie, “Canadian Bacon”, to come true! Someone must liberate us from the President who killed “Chad’s” right to a voice in “his” government, and “his wife’s” voice. …He has a wife, you know! Know what she’s called? She’s called…Florida!

  • Jinx :smiley:

So, is anyone going to help us?
wide-eyed look of childlike beseechment
We are but helpless pawns, crushed under the heel of a power-hungry usurper, who gets fat and rich of the sweat of our poor, innocent backs.

Think of the children!

Kn(Bad American! Unpatriotic! No treat!)ckers

OK, but can I get asylum in Canada? I promise to be good! Honest!

Yes it is. Way too late.

Why don’t you move to France and raise the average IQ of both nations?

I thought the French flag was white. :smiley:

In any event, we in the US of A don’t need any help form foreigners. If we deem our government to be a threat to our freedom, we can take care of it ourselves-- that’s why we have the Second Amendment.

That, and for keeping the King of England out of our faces.

Is it too late for me to sneak over the border (it’s only a mile to the west of here) and blend into Canadian society?

Here, tell me if this sounds authentic: [clears throat]
Rrrrroll up the rrrrrim!
Gimme a back bacon burger and a Moosehead.
Go Leafs, eh?

      • You forgot “I wish I lived in the US…”

Um, no.

Yeah. Soon they’ll all receive their orders from their secret ninja masters in the canadian government, and all across the States, the following will be heard:

“Sorry there, eh buddy? I’m gonna have to break your neck now. There’s a war on, don’t y’know?” KEEE-RACK!

Sorry, I’ll stop now. :slight_smile: