Is it wrong of me to think less of someone because s/he believes in supernatural, paranormal, or just generally irrational phenomena?
'Cause I do.
This is kind of a weird question, but here’s my thinking. Basically I try to be best person that I can be, but if I find out that Person X, who I normally had had a reasonable regard for, believes in the existence of ghosts I immediately lose respect in some way for that person. It doesn’t mean we can’t be friends or that I wouldn’t treat that person with respect, but essentially they “go down a couple steps in my book”. But I wonder whether this is really a good attitude, whether I should try to change this in myself.
For example:
If I know someone, but one day find out that they are black, I would not (and think it would be wrong to) think less of them because of their race/ethnicity.
If I know someone, but one day find out that they are homosexual, I would not (and think it would be wrong to) think less of them because of their sexual orientation.
However if I know someone, but one day find out that they believe in psychic powers, I do instantly think less of them.
I think I’m having a little crisis of conscience here because I have some sense that this may be wrong of me. It kind of goes against what I guess are my principles of treating all people equally and respecting others’ beliefs. I feel it gets particularly sticky when it comes to religion, since I have a certain desire to respect the personal beliefs of others, yet I can’t help but think less of someone when I find out that they believe in angels, omniscient and omnipotent gods, and all that jazz.
I fear this may all be a bit too abstract; admittedly I am talking about some abstract concepts of right and wrong WRT behavior and attitude. I’d appreciate opinions, advice, or experiences of others here.