Is mailing Pumpkin Seeds inherently dangerous?

I have a relative who has made an unusual request. He lives in an area where pumpkins go bad very quickly when left outside…Florida. He happens to love Pumpkin Seeds…as do I. I told him that I had a suprlus of the seeds all cooked and salted and ready to go. Can I send him to him in a sealed container? I am slightly worried about the radiation they may encounter on their journey south…Not knowing much about sending perishable foods, need I be worried about the pumpkin seeds glowing or becoming otherwise tainted on their trip south of the border? Thanks folks!

I take it that you are in Canada? :dubious:

No, I’m in Connecticut. 5 hours from the Canadian Border. Why?

What radiation are you talking about, here? Is there something that would cause you to become green and glowing if you flew to Florida personally?

And the reason for the border question, I presume, is your comment about “south of the border”.

Right you are regarding the border bit. I meant this “south of the border”, in South Carolina.

I was wondering about any radiation from packages being irradiated when being checked. Homeland Security stuff…Sorry I do not knwo the proper nomenclature for what happens to packages before being shipped.

Firstly, the type of radiation that is used is (most likely, it’s not like I work there) X-rays. The same thing you get when your doctor suspects a cavity.

Secondly, irradiated food is generally considered safe.

Finally, being radiated doesn’t even make things glow (with a few minor exceptions).

Unless you are send mail to a government office, your mail isn’t irradiated, or scvreened at all for that matter.

Third, The only mail being irradiated at this time is mail addressed to federal government agencies in Washington DC.

I’m mail cookies all the time with no noticably bad effects to either the cookies or those that consume them.

tell your couz to check the snack food section of his local grocery store or gas station for that matter.I have seen salted pumpkin seeds practically everywhere in these United States, look for the brand name “David” they are usually in orange and green bags,if my memory serves.
NadaHappyCamper :slight_smile:

Irradiation does not make stuff radioactive. Nor will eating irradiated food make you look like this —> :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t do it! Crazy shit happens when you mess with pumpkin seeds!