Is pot overrated?

“…but an investigation into the accident reveals something troubling.”

So let me guess. They located his broken body among the rubble, examined a blood sampling, and discovered he was a pot-head?!:stuck_out_tongue:

I enjoy pot very much. Sex can be very intense when high, although at my age, that’s not a big concern for me anymore. Sadly.

But it really helps me shrug things off. I don’t sweat the small stuff. I sleep like a baby too, but I can’t remember the last time I dreamt. I don’t miss nightmares, but I do sort of miss good dreams.

Recently I was with someone who took a dose of cannabis oil that was in a syringe and before putting away the container, I licked a bit of oil that was dripping off the side.

Two hours later, I realized I was high. Someone used the word “swarthy” in a sentence and that was the funniest thing ever.

There’s a big difference with being high as a teenager versus being an adult with important responsibilities.

Damn buzz lasted 6 hours until I forced myself to go to bed to stop my crazy thoughts. Woke up with a splitting headache. My poor brain got wore out from philosophizing about the meaning of life for so long.

It works wonders for my friend’s medical issue and they know the proper dose, but for me, that was a big mistake. No thanks.

I think it is, but I’ve only tried it a couple of times. No effect on me, other than giving me a vicious migraine. Even being around other people that have recently smoked can make my head hurt so I think I’m just in the lucky minority that doesn’t gain anything from it. Weed is legal where I live, which can be socially problematic at times…

That’s fine for you to say but lucid dreaming isn’t legal everywhere.

I’ve never tried it, despite living in Colorado where it is now legal. Just not interested - I’ve never seen a person smoking pot and thought “I wish that was me.” So yeah, I think it is overrated.

I enjoy alcohol, including the taste of alcohol, but only up to 3, maybe 4 drinks. I don’t like being drunk.

YOU LICKED A SYRINGE? Look, pot’s nice and I’ve never been a pothead. I actually kind of enjoy the few times I’ve done it. It’s fun.

Licking a syringe? My brain just went SPROING.

Also odd words while high are hilarious. I don’t fault you there.

Obviously the answer is that it depends on you. My cousin smokes every day to help him sleep. I take a hit or two once or twice a week, if I feel like it. Something happened to me about 30 years ago, not exactly sure what, but too much gives me ague. Even a little can make me feel cold.

Then, I had a store-bought cookie on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and when it came on, I was in a very bad way for 20 or 30 minutes. So, it can be nice, and amusing, or it can suck bigtime. And sometimes it can make me pretty depressed.

But if people knew just how truly mind-blowingly wonderful full-blown lucid dreams can be, they’d be made mandatory everywhere!:wink:

I remember thoroughly enjoying getting stoned in my late teens. But somewhere around age 20 or 21, a shift happened: I’d go abruptly from barely feeling the effects, to being so stoned I couldn’t put together a full sentence, or follow someone else when they were talking, because I couldn’t remember the words from one end of the sentence to the other.

This meant that I was effectively isolated from anyone else, which was really not fun at all. And the difficulties in cognition and perception were kinda scary too. So I stopped smoking.

Every six or eight years for awhile after that, I’d smoke with a friend who happened to be lighting up, just to see if anything had changed. It never did.

I’m glad other people enjoy dope, but on account of that it’s totally not for me. Give me alcohol, where I can choose how drunk I want to be.

Count me in as one of those who don’t get much anything out of pot, no matter how much they’ve tried (maybe a couple dozen different occasions for me). The first time I ever got drunk, on the other hand, took me on a path of a decade of heavy binge drinking, just because it felt so damn good, psychologically.

I wouldn’t smoke weed even if it was legal and completely free. No point in ruining my lungs over nothing.

I like weed or at least I used to. I almost lost a job 13 years ago due to getting high and not knowing about a pre-employment drug screen which someone I managed to pass 3 days after hot boxing a hotel room. Since then random screens and pre-employments screens have become a normal part of my lift so I haven’t partaken. I’m almost out of that industry but I know if I give it a run I’ll get a phone call for a job that requires me to pee in a cup. Hopefully I’ll land a gig in my new profession before my first kid shows up in September that allows me to get high at home at least once before retirement.

There’s nothing like the giddy euphoria of alcohol intoxication but the price I pay for it is just too damned high. I like the mellow pleasure that cannabis brings me.

As stated, it’s not unusual for first-time users not to get any effect from it. I think it took me three tries before I got a “high.”

No it wasn’t a syringe needle, if that’s what you’re implying. It was a very thick oil that was in a syringe with a plunger applicator. The oil is thick enough where it comes out like toothpaste, but if you depress the plunger too much, more than you need will come out and won’t retract back in. There was a TINY amount at the opening and like a dumb ass, I wanted to clean the tip before i re-capped it.

It’s been decades since I smoked pot and I had no idea such a small amount would have such an affect on me.

Stuff like this is why I wish weed was legal where I live.

Maybe one of those strains would be fun. Euphoric, relaxing, etc. I don’t like the street weed I"ve tried because it makes me anxious and paranoid. If it were legal I could go into a headshop and say ‘let me try a gram of euphoria’. If that didn’t work, I’d try something else.