Is Primetime Glick funny or not?

I can’t decide…

That’s funny, because I know exactly what you mean.

It’s like when you eat at McDonalds - you don’t feel full, you just feel different. Jiminy Glick is doing very humorous things, but sometimes it’s just hard to laugh at it.

Still, I’ve decided I like the show.

Hit or miss. Generally I like it, especially when the guest does not know who’s in the fat suit, particularly the one he did with Rick Fox.

Hate it, annoying.

Definitely NOT. NOT FUNNY!

I like it, but only if i have a clue who the guest is. The Andy Richter interview was hilarious.

It’s a little too repetitive to be continuously funny.

Not funny in the least.

If you have to ask whether or not something is funny then it isn’t. Well atleast not to you.

I think it’s hilarious – it’s so surreal.

I find that when it IS funny, it’s hilarious. When it’s not, it’s just stupid. Sort of like how AbFab could be.

But I do admire the shameless way Short does Glick. He just goes for it, and doesn’t back down even when it must be clear that it’s not working (like some of the skits with Glick’s wife, bleh)

I like it, but I keep missing it. Martin Short was being interviewed (on The Daily Show, I think), and he mentioned that only once did someone get pissed and walk out of the interview. Anybody know who this was?

Not that I can tell. Martin Short in general is not funny. This character and show seems idiotic.

I caught it a couple of times. I found it more annoying than anything. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a show start to finish.

While particular jokes may seem to fall flat, when I look at the show through the context of the larger joke, the mocking of the inane drivel that comes out of entertainment news shows (Entertainment Tonight, Extra, anything done by E!), I think that it can be brilliant. I imagine that his practice of showing his complete lack of knowledge of his guests body of work may be based on real life experience (this always cracks me up) - a fawning host telling a guest how great their latest movie was even though they haven’t seen it.

I find him and the show screamingly funny. I’ve always been a huge fan of Martin Short. He’s clever, and he just doesn’t give a shit. He goes with his gut (which is usually right on target). He’s hilarious!

Also a “Martin Short = not funny” believer. (And this goes back to the old SCTV half hour show.)


I told her I wanted to make love to her badly. She said I would have to do better than that.

When it’s funny,it’s REALLY funny, but most of the time it’s just annoying.


Not funny. I sat through nearly an entire episode because I’d heard he was having David Duchovny on to talk about the X-files ending. I can’t understand how people think the show is funny, even the part I watched for was dismal.