Is Rupert Ghee a sexist pig?

I had David Letterman on last night, and as one of their usual bits, they sent a remote camera into Rupert Ghee’s deli, had him select a contestant from the crowd outside his store to perform some silly bit. However it occurred to me last night that I have never seen Rupert Ghee select a contestant who wasn’t a good-looking, twenty-something woman - more often than not, blonde. No middle-agers, no less than curvaceous girls, and no men.

Well, okay, I recall he got a male contestant once, but only because the bit involved shaving the man’s beard, so he was sort of obliged to pick out a guy.

But in all other instances, Rupert never selects anyone other than hot babes as contestants. Am I the only one who’s noticed this? Can anyone refute this? Do you think he hits on these women as soon as the camera are turned off?

If you were in his position, wouldn’t YOU select the hot babe?

Don’t be silly. “Pick only hot babes” is probably part of his job description.

Actually, I’m pretty sure he was fairly even-handed when they first started giving him these little games. I think he’d just walk out and get whoever he thought raised their hand first.

My guess is that the producers (and maybe Dave) have asked him to go for the hot babes. It makes better television, in their opinion. Notice that when Dave goes into the audience for “Know your Current Events” or the like, he now tends to end up with attractive people more than he once did. Those people are chosen by staff before the show.

Rupert Jee doesn’t always pick the babes, probably 4 times out of 5 he does though. But like AskNott says, he’s probably asked to do so, as it makes for good TV.

Why have a grinder girl and hula hoop girl, two hot models at the Will It Float tub, and any other excuse to have long legged babes in skimpy skirts? It’s all part of the show. It seems to be an ironic, self-aware, deliberate sexism that permeates modern TV.

my love…

by the way…it won’t float…wink wink, nudge nudge

do i get a chance to romp on grinder girl yet?

I remember Dave getting annoyed at Rupert once for skipping over a hot babe in favor of someone else. It’s Dave’s policy, not Rupert’s.

BTW, this is not the only situation where being a hot babe gives one an advantage.

At one point, CBS note-jerks told Dave that Rupert was picking too many women and they wanted a more balanced pool of contestants. Dave bitched about this some and ever since it’s been exclusively young women.

This is just one of many ways Dave deals with the note-jerks. Don’t blame Rupert.