Is Sidney Powell insane?

Yes, I had conversations with people who were talking about Trump getting 65% of the overall vote. Media is now an echo chamber for populists. (Yes, I know the obviousretirt, but I don’t visit ANY midle-ground or left-wing website except this one, I prefer to be challenged).

My best guess as to her response would be:

  1. Democrats were solely fixated on the big prize, the presidency, and didn’t put effort into hacking the downballot races;


  1. Democrats did try to fix the downballot races, and if it weren’t for such Democratic cheating, the Republicans would have won even more Senate and House races.

#2 is correct. If you can stand to listen to her, the video I provided features her claiming multiple times that 35,000 votes were added to every Democratic candidate in the nation.

The hosts press her on it (“every race?”) but she is so busy Gish Galloping that she just keeps running her mouth. Clearly adding 35,000 votes to a candidate in a small town would raise some flags.

“Okay, results for Mayor of Podunk are in. I’m glad to see all 4,000 of us turned out to hear them; that’s America! Okay, let’s see… Republican candidate Johnny McJohnjohn got 1,985 votes… and Democratic candidate Shirley Bunhair recieved 37, 015 votes… Shirley wins!”


My best guess is her response would be something like “Why do you hate the truth?”

I’ve noticed when right wingers get asked a legitimate question about their claims, they attack the questioner. Because they don’t have a good answer.

It seems to be quite easy to get on Dominion’s payroll. Does anyone know how I can sign up? Is there an application form? I can use the spare cash, what with the holidays coming up and all.

You know why it’s called “Dominion”, don’t you? It’s a nefarious Canadian attempt to take control of the US. (oops - shhh!)

Just go down to your local Dominion federal government “Find a Job” office and you should be good.

You’re Canadian, aren’t you? I thought all Canadians were already on the Dominion* Voting Systems/Hugo Chavez/George Soros payroll.

*And what Northern Piper just said!

I am still reasonably confident we’ll be rid of Trump himself at 12:01 P.M. on January 20, 2021. But it is rather depressing to contemplate what we’re going to do with his millions and millions of followers.

So what you’re saying is, there’s an army of Canuck Jem’Hadar waiting to storm across the border?

All I can say is …

wait for it …

I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords!!1!!1!

May they bring civilization, the milk of human kindness, basic common decency, and plenty of maple syrup. We’re sadly lacking in all these staples of human life.

I think the whole idea is to generate lots of heat, but absolutely no light. There’s no there, there.

Even more cracks are starting to show amongst The Faithful:

Chris Christie calls Trump’s legal team a ‘national embarrassment’ - CNNPolitics

“Quite frankly, the conduct of the President’s legal team has been a national embarrassment,” he said, singling out Trump attorney Sidney Powell’s accusations against Georgia GOP Gov. Brian Kemp.

“This is outrageous conduct by any lawyer,” Christie said Sunday, noting Trump’s attorneys have levied wild accusations in public but have not, so far, raised them in court, where there are consequences for providing false information.
“They allege fraud outside the courtroom, but when they go inside the courtroom, they don’t plead fraud and they don’t argue fraud,” he said.
“Listen,” Christie concluded, “I have been a supporter of the President’s. I voted for him twice, but elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didn’t happen.”

Does the Canadian milk of human kindness come in a bag?

Don’t forget universal public health care, gun control, a strong social safety net, affordable housing integrated into established communities, a sane political system, an apolitical Supreme Court, no government meddling in abortion matters, and a federal government department called the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (the name “Ministry of Environment and Other Chinese Hoaxes” was rejected). And yes, maple syrup, too. :slight_smile:

Probably still does, but in deference to our American brethren, it also comes in ordinary cartons. :grinning:

But all formats have the volume in metric.

Voting for Trump twice is not evidence of a crack. Christy has always talked out of both sides of his ass.

You have to prove your worth by attending a certain number of paid protests, pretending to have covid so Trump will look bad, then Hunter Biden will contact you for a meeting at Comet Pizza.

True, but to those weighing the pros and cons of emigration, I should point out that all temperatures related to cooking are still expressed in Fahrenheit, although everything else is Celsius. It’s one of those things that can’t really be explained – they just are. Like the fact that the Toronto Maple Leafs suck, and have sucked for as long as anyone can remember, yet it’s still virtually impossible to get single-game tickets, nor season tickets, for that matter. Canada is not all roses.

My god, is that where Mark Halperin ended up? I assume he’s desperate for money, but man does he look awkward there.

I somehow wound up on Brian Kolfage’s mailing list. (It’s just too perfect for words that his emails are addressed to “Karen”). I haven’t seen the specific claim of 35,000 votes added to the Democratic candidate in every race, but claims that the numbers of votes cast in a particular jurisdiction exceeded the number of registered voters or even the number of inhabitants are a frequent feature of his “emergency alerts”.

Trump’s team just released a statement distancing themselves from Sidney Powell.