How do we explain this?
Granted, it’s not rape and pilliage, but still, it’s pretty damn despicable. The war is controversial enough without these knuckleheads behaving like animals. Is this travesty an aberration? Are such practices likely to be more widespread, or is this a renegade group of soldiers with a unique state of mind?
War is hell, sure, but I’m told these people are trained not to commit war crimes, especially against POWs, who are subdued and defenseless. The fact the enemy might do worse to our people doesn’t excuse such behavior. We have a higher standard, or so we’re told.
These stories made me sick. I’ve never blamed our troops for being in Iraq. I might decry our leaders for sending them there, but I’ve always wanted to be supportive of our troops, who are following orders, as is their duty as service men and women. I have, however, always expected them to represent our country well while there. Killing is a part of war, and I understand that. Since seeing videos of soldiers cheering snipers as they pick off enemy combattants like it was a sports event, helicopters shooting wounded, children photographed holding obscene placards, and now this monstrosity, what should I think? Yeah, I saw the pictures of the American contractors’ mangled and charred bodies, strung up for show. Yes, I see the enemies of our troops can act like barbarians. I’m sure that illicits rage in those on the ground in Iraq. But still, this latest scandal is inexcusable, and terribly worrying. Giving sensitivity training to combattants does seem like a bit of an oxymoron, but isn’t some code of conduct drummed into these people so as to prevent PR nightmares like this?
My confidence in our troops has been shaken. Should it have been?