Is static-image burn on a television fixable?

So our big screen finally crapped out on us and we did what our repairman told us: found a used one on Craigslist. My wife checked it out before buying, but didn’t notice until we got it home that it has some static image burn on the screen (the seller assured us it had EXTREMELY low hours and was flawless, but that’s a thread for a different forum.)

It’s fairly faint most of the time but really shows when the screen is light-colored. The only suggestion I’ve heard so far is to leave it on snow when we’re not watching it. Is there anything else we can do?

It’s a Panasonic HD big screen. Not sure of the actual model but it’s a couple years old - not a plasma or LCD. I think it’s a rear-projection CRT.

Thanks in advance.

This was interesting. Apparently rear projection CRTs are among the most susceptible to burn in of current tech choices.

Sorry, but you’re SOL. Burned phosphors are burned. It’s the exact same process as the darkening of the ends of a florescent bulb. Hopefully you can get your money back as this set is definitely NOT low hours.