When I saw the first few words of this article, I thought the families of victims of 9/11 were going to sue the FAA/airlines/World Trade Center, etc. Then I saw that they’re suing the financial institutions which bankroll Al Qaeda instead. Well, without knowing any legal ramifications, it seems to me that’s a step in the right direction, or at least it’s not as idiotic as what I first thought.
But, really, is this going to amount to anything? How can people from one country sue an institution in another country?
Sorry if I’m in the wrong forum. This didn’t seem to fit anywhere else.
Let’s face it, the Saudis are a bunch of shifty bastards who seem to understand only money. We pulled their butts out of the fire in 1990 only to have them hugging and kissing Sadaam twelve years later. They want to prohibit a Christian nation from launching an attack on a Moslem nation on their soil, but there seems to be no prohibition against a Moslem terror group launching an attack on a Christian nation from their soil. Let’s face it, with ALLIES like Saudi Arabia, who needs ENEMIES ? If we hit them in the pocket book - that they’ll understand!
First of all, how does ANY United States court have jurisdiction over this?
I think this is just another case of a couple of lawyers trying to make a name for themselves. I will be shocked if these people see a dime of the money they claim to be suing for.
Instead of a process server, can they get Dr. Evil to go on satellite and tell everyone “We’re going to sue you for…one TRILLION dollars!” (pinky)
I believe they will try and get Saudi holdings in the United States. They are heavily invested here.
The Muslim charities that supposedly fund terrorism may have financial holdings in the United States, too.
Harrumph. Ron Motley is from Charleston. He was one of the principal lawyers in the whole “Big Tobacco” lawsuit, if I remember correctly.
I saw some of the family of victims on CNN last night. I just don’t see how suing is going to change anything. I mean, ok, if they think it will make them feel better about it, go ahead, but it’s not going to change much. Nor will it bring anyone back. Besides, what judge is going to award a bazillion dollars like that? Even if the people participating in the lawsuit win, they’ll probably never see that money. So what good does it do in the end?
It will annoy them and cause some discomfort. With American courts after assets in the US, it might work given the political atmosphere.
Gas will probably cost $10.00 a gallon, or whatever will offset their losses, so I hope some of the gazillion dollars goes to help the average guy drive to work.