Is Supercross uh, choreographed?

Fake, like Wrestling and Monster Trucks for example.

Just curious.

Why do you think monster trucks is fake?

I watched a program on PBS some time ago and they (the people involved) pretty much said it was scripted.
You’re suprised?

I think this is the first time I’ve ever actually bumped my own thread.
Aren’t there any motocross fans on the SDMB? Don’t be embarrassed.
I’ve never been to an event, but I’ve seen parts of it on tv. Some of the jumps and such look staged is why I ask this question.
I like NASCAR on tv, and will probably go to an actual race this season. :wink:
C’mon. Come out of the closet, fans of motocross. Be proud, double-widers!


If you want to see some good racing, this is the year to go. Ricky, Bubba, Travis, Chad and even Jeremy (!) will take to the track this season. Best field in years. Real riders, real racing. Champions among champions and none of them want to lose.

The jumps might look “choreographed” to the casual observer because to pull a double or triple jump, you need to land on the downslope of the 2nd or 3rd jump. You can’t just fly “willy-nilly” and land where-ever. As a pack of riders with similar skills approach the jumps, it looks like they are flying in formation practically, because they need to land at the same place, or come up short and “case” on the top of the jump, or impact on the face of the next jump (not pretty).

Did you catch the season opener in the mud? Hardly “scripted” at all. Front-runners dumped it, riders were doubling over the tops of other riders who weren’t. Good stuff.

I just now saw this! Eat me! :wink:

Another thought: Unlike Monster Truck “Competition” (which I think is not as fake as wrastlin’ but somewhat ‘fixed’, as in “You win this week, next week is Cletus’ turn, then BigFoot gets the champeen-ship”), which is not heavily backed by major manufactures, Supercross has serious involvement/investment by the major motorcycle factorys. Wins on the track equate to sales in the showroom.

Oops! Gotta go. Good show on PBS.

I went to the Supercross in Phoenix a couple weeks ago and it is NOT choreographed. (Side note, why would I be embarrassed about being a motorcross fan?)

One of the riders got carted off in an ambulance after getting a body part sucked into the rear wheel. There are some really serious injuries when people crash, especially when one rider does a double or a triple and lands on another rider who did not do the jump. Also, James “Bubba” Stewart, who is new in his class and extrememly fast, hurt himself during warmups and missed the race. If these were staged they couldn’t let that kind of thing happen.

These guys are seriously talented which allows them to ride the way they do.


PS, NASCAR races are a blast.

About the tombs of the pyramid builders in Gaza? That was good.
In the commercials you see all these riders come over a jump at the same time, like a ballet. :wink:
But, they do look like they’re racing. They have that “look” on their faces.
They are, however, playing off each other. They know they look good. :slight_smile:

The “embarrassed” accusation was just part of the cajoling. I was pouting because no one had replied. :wink:
I just may add a motorcross (there’s an “r” ?) to my plans for this summer. I gotta get out more, before I rock over.

No, part 3 and 4 of “Inside the Dirty Nazi state”. Jeez, those guys were bad eggs.


And actually there is no ‘r’ in motocross. I AM TYPO KING! All hail the KNIG.

If you get a chance to go to a motocross/ do it. It is a lot of fun. Out of all the races I’ve been to I’d rate them in this order: Motocross, NASCAR, NHRA, IRL.*


*After going to an IRL event I think I’d rather watch ice melt than go to another IRL race.