As a general rule, what would you say? I e-mailed someone for information, and I got a helpful response in a timely manner. Now, I want to say thank you…but is it too much? Just to respond and say “Thanks!” Would the person appreciate it, or would it be annoying? I know that the question is subjective, but maybe there is some sort of e-mail code of ethics that I am unaware of… :dubious:
It’s never a bad idea to say thanks.
As a person who spends a lot of time answering e-mails from the general public, I can say that a “thanks” is generally appreciated. Keep it very short, maybe put “Thanks for info” in the subject line. It’s always nice to know that live humans actuallly read the e-mails I so carefully craft…
Hmm…sounds good, basically what I was thinking.
Another one here agreeing that a thank you would be a very nice gesture. I do it myself and am fairly sure I’m not the only one.
I frequently e-mail clients to get clarification or further instructions for projects I’m doing for them. When I get the answer, I always reply with at least a quick “OK, thanks.” It lets them know the message was received, understood, and appreciated. Same for unsolicited info they send. A basic courtesy, IMO.
One thing I watch for is quoting the original message in the body of the reply. Email back and forth a few times and you get this bloated window of superfluous verbiage.
But a “thanks” is always appreciated.