It was discussed in the Huff Post, so I guess its real. Just wasn’t aware of such.
“Tossing” is grabbing a DOOM pile and yeeting it in the garbage. People often keep their doom piles in drawers, crates, pillow cases, and trash bags. DOOM = Didn’t organize only moved.
As an ADHDer, I don’t find this urge relatable. I admit I even giggled a little bit when I first read about tossing. I have piles upon piles but I don’t usually keep DOOM piles. I have lots of piles but I usually know what’s in them. I don’t get overwhelmed by the piles I do have. Hell, I’m a modern American who has places to go, people to see, and things to do. I’m not worried about being neat and domestic. No shame about clutter, therefore no urges to get rid of them suddenly out of frustration.
Even if I did keep DOOM piles I couldn’t imagine “tossing”, out of fear of pitching something very important. Bills, forms, and documents. Cash won from the casino before being deposited in the bank. USB sticks with sentimental photos. My ADHD medication. Precious cargo!
The closest I’ve came, I guess, was last week. I spent 10 minutes looking for my wallet and then 40 minutes looking for my phone. I thought both were either in my car trunk or the crate in my back seat. I was so pissed, I started throwing away stuff that I wouldn’t ordinarily throw away: napkins, snacks, water bottles, etc. They were getting in the way of me finding my things. But I didn’t just toss everything! I knew somewhere deep in all of my junk was my go pro camera, Garmin GPS, and my $120 pair of sunglasses.
I don’t know anyone else who has admitted to “tossing”. But I find this idea amusing.
Have any of you guys, ADHD or not, just randomly tossed your shit? Stories? Have you ever regretted it?
Midwest Degenerate Gambler