Is the Institute for Historical Review a Racist Organization?

In doing some surfing around on the net I stumbled across the site for the Institute for Historic Review, and judging from some of the things on the site, it certainly looks like their a racist organization, but not necessarily so. They might be some other kind of whack jobs. Anyone ever heard of these folks and know what they’re about?

The IHR is basically dedicated to Holocaust revisionism (claiming the Holocaust never happened or at best downplaying its significance). It’s not as openly hate-filled as something like Stormfront, but it’s a fundamentally anti-Semitic organization. Here’s what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about the Institute for Historical Review.

What a “charming” bunch of fellows. Towering giants of intellects amongst those with a coloniscopic mindset, no doubt. Well, that explains the rather glowing article I found on their website about Sen. Homer Ferguson. Thanks.