I tried the Search function here to see if this has been covered before but couldn’t find ann earlier thread. Please forgive me if you all covered this in exhaustive detail six months ago.
In the Ashley Judd movie DOUBLE JEOPARDY, does the plot make any sense from a geunine legal viewpoint?
If you are wrongfully convicted of robbing a gas station, surely you’re not allow to rob one once you’re released.
The faked murder she was convicted for would not have been the same crime as actually killing her husband, since it would take place on a different date, in a different locale, and so on. Correct?
And does anyone think this movie had a strong gender bias? If Tommy Lee Jones had been framed for killing his wife, would audiences cheer him on as he looked for her to do her in? Are men more expendable in movies than women or are women allowed to get revenge where men would not be?
To answer both questions: yes, you’re correct, a crime consists of an action and a circumstance, so the premise of the movie is crap. And yes, in movies it’s now only acceptable to make the white male the bad guy. Europeans are largely acceptable as heavies, and Arabs are really pushing it.
No. The charge includes the specific date, location, etc. It couldn’t happen.
However, if he’s already legally dead, you can’t kill him again…
I haven’t seen the movie, but what you said you are correct. Double jeopardy involves the same circumstances, facts, situation, etc., as well as the same crime. The remainder of your post belongs in GB.
Gunslinger, she would still be guilty of homicide even if she killed ‘John Doe (unknown male victim)’. In any case, the movie had a crap premise that would get laughed in the real world. They’d laugh you right onto death row in some states.
Huh? Terrorists are always arabs in american movies. Drug dealers and various assorted criminals are black/hispanic. And every James Bond movie has evil female characters. The teenage comedy always has the evil, ice-cold blonde goddess who gets her comeuppance in the end. etc…
Granted, in the action movie the heavy is always male, but that’s because, using the unspoken Hollywood rule, women are secondary in those types of films.
Previous legal discussion in this forum:
DBL Jeopardy–the movie
I should’ve had a smiley at the end of my post. That was a joke.