Is the SDMB interfering with your reading habits?

I just looked through my journal and I was shocked to see how drastically my reading habits have changed since I started posting here. In the six months since I joined, I’ve been reading books at the rate of only about one and a half a month (almost half fiction). In the six months before I joined, I was reading books at the rate of almost one and a half a week (less than a quarter fiction).

I’m spending way too much time here. I am losing any right I might have had to use the name that I do. True, reading the boards is still reading, but it’s not the same. Reading about Vinyl seats and farting is not quite as edifying as reading Macbeth. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy reading about vinyl seats and farting. If anything, I enjoy it too much.

As St. Augustine said, Tolle lege, tolle lege. (“Pick it up and read it, you numbskull”) My translation may not be the traditional one, but I’m pretty sure that’s what he meant to say.

Yes. Yes, Yes, Yes!

I used to read at LEAST ten books a week.

I’m down to about three.

However, maybe this is a GOOD thing? After all, reading is always a solitary thing. At least with the SDMB, I am interacting with people, albeit in a cyber sort of way.

I deal with people all day long at work, and have become somewhat antisocial in my personal life, except for the time I spend with my family. There is just so much I feel I HAVE to do, so when I am home I always valued the time alone, and reading was what I enjoyed doing the most, in that alone time.

I think it is better for me to be interacting with all of you wonderful, intelligent and witty people.

So, I guess I DO think that this is a good thing.

Yes, I am reading less and NO, I do not feel it is a good thing.

That’s me all over.

No, guys, really?

Tell me why it isn’t better to be interacting with people instead of reading alone. Especially THESE people, as they are mostly an intelligent and caring crew.

hhhmmmm, i’m still at my usual reading level. i find i can fit in a few paragraphs while waiting for the computer to do it’s thing.

book in one hand.
keyboard/mouse in the other.

what’s the problem?

The SDMB has changed my reading habits, as well as my sleeping, eating, and my just-about-anything-else habits.
Hmmm…do you think that’s bad? :wink:

Maybe this is about semantics, Scotti. Books open your mind and there is an act of self discipline involved. The SDMB, while filled with witty, intellectual people, this is just plain FUN, and somehow, I think we’re * supposed to feel * guilty about that, if we aren’t filling our minds with the written word, then we are ** wasting time!! **

It’s all in your outlook. True, I’m not reading as much as I did, BUT, I’m more cheerful, which in the end, may be a better thing, since that releases endorphins, that I don’t think just reading books does…well, maybe… ‘The Stand’ by Stephen King…, it seemed to release * something in me!! * :eek:

I live in a small town, and the local librarian told me she wondered what had happened to me! I was reading 5-7 books a week, but now…

I think the SDMB is a GOOD thing, because I’m really quite shy IRL, but sometimes I should probably slap the wrist of the hand that reaches for the mouse.:wink:

The whole Internet is doing it to me, particularly SDMB and UseNet. It’s interfering with my studying/working habits as well…

Now back to work… hopefully for at least a full half hour!

Not really… but then before I found the SDMB my reading habits were already changing due to online time… but now I’m more balanced… I go online for a short time everyday to just glance at the boards… the rest of the day is taken up with school, tv, dinner, dishes, sleep and reading (Right now I’m about halfway through Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell… quite fascinating actually)

Right now I’m more balanced overall. Before I used to spend most of my time outside of school reading… now its reading AND online so my reading is less but its more quality stuff (if you count lots of Fantasy quality…) Plus as it was mentioned while here we are actually interacting with people instead of doing the solitary thing (I’m also a shy person and so that doesn’t help my social life… what social life actually since I haven’t met many people here yet…)

I think I’m rambling. goes quiet

I’m reading slightly less…but I am watching much much less TV.

Maybe someone should start up a SDMB reading club and weekly discussion thread.

I hereby nominate Commander Fortune to be the official organizer of the SDMB Book Club.

I’m sure our selections would blow Oprah’saway.

Hasn’t affected me at all.
I haven’t spent much time here, since I used up the Cecil material. There’s not much real trivia of interest in the
General Questions. And on the other forums it’s slim pickings. But it’s on my favorites list, so I come when bored and when bored, I leave again. Not a problem, and certainly doesn’t cut into my reading. I read all day on the job.

Actually, I’ve been reading more lately. I had gotten out of the habit, and only read work-related stuff. There is definitely enough of it to fill my day.

But not enough to fill my brain. So I’ve been using GQ threads as inspiration to read more books. I’m doing about 2 every three weeks, all non-fiction of course (well, except for the Bible, but that’s a GD thread.)

Yes, but I am learning enough here to justify it.

In my short time here, my reading has decreased. I don’t think that’s bad though. It’ll change again in the future. Plus, I like finding out what different people think about different things. When it comes to personal habits that don’t affect others, said habits are only as good or bad as you decide they are.

Reading fewer books, reading lots of posts! And I am brushing up on my typing, writing, and spelling skills. That can’t be bad.

And I have met lots of nice people, and there are so many of us, that someone can almost always be here to cheer someone up, make them laugh, provide companionship, conversation, and congenial debating (or less congenial).

I’ve been less depressed since I started posting here, which is very good. My new health insurance won’t be effective for (possibly) another month, but I may not even need to go back on anti-depressants by then. Reading books did not have that effect on me.