Is the SDMB predominantly Republican or Democrat?

Some of us do not participate in American party politics at all.

Some of us do not participate in American party politics at all. Some of us do not live in America, believe it or not!!

That’s another nice thing about the Nolan chart. It doesn’t match you up with political parties, just charts how much you value economic freedom vs. personal freedom.

Rubs hands together deviously.

If only they knew. It’s only a matter of time…

Oh, did I say that out loud. Pay no attention to the man behind the keyboard.

Our Destiny is* Manifest*, Hoopy Frood. :wink:

Well I’m vaguely Republican but not in the way most Americans would take it :wink:

From my reading I see it as almost 50/50 with a possible edge for the Liberals.

I would guess that the majority of European posters would be left of Democratic politics falling in the pinko commie area :slight_smile:

Jimmy Polk would be so proud. :smiley:

But that 10% accounts for 50% of the posts in Great Debates. :slight_smile:

And 90% of those posts are from december. :wink:

…and not about American party affiliations, then I could chime in here to say something. Oh well.

I’ll just pretend it is. I’m from Germany, so my political leaning may be difficult to translate adequately, and I haven’t worked with a Nolan chart yet.

As a social-democrat, and a pretty right-wing at that, I’m against government interference in normal economic processes – if a business goes bankrupt, I wouldn’t save it. But I’d certainly pay the poor fellows who lost their jobs support money.

I’m all for military intervention when it’s covered by UNO mandates; I’m against conscription and for a professional army.
I’m against the death penalty and for gun control (but hey, I’m European, what did 'ya expect?).

What’s that translate to in USian terms?

TheSnack: You’d be a rather left-leaning Democrat (assuming I’m correct in interpreting your “I’m against government interference in normal economic processes” comments as opposition to corporate welfare but not opposition to social welfare). Democrats are mixed on the military intervention issue.


I needed this post below. It’s been a long day and I was desperate for a laugh. Thanks!

It’s something I hear alot and am a bit skeptical of. I really don’t know what the ballot looks like in the Twilight Zone, but for that statement to be absolutely true that would mean your sat down and researched the issues, records and stances of [ul][]District Circuit Court Judges []City / Town Counselpersons Comptroller, et al.[/ul]If you do, you’re much more civic minded than most. I’ve always assumed most people like myself take the easy way out; a little research on chief executives, legislators and ballot initiatives…with all other candidates being selected via party line vote.

I generally do not vote for minor offices unless I know something in particular about one candidate or another, although I will often vote for the woman in a race where a woman is running against a man.

Well let’s hope Susan Smith, Tonya Harding, Susan Atkins, Andrea Yates or Amy Fisher don’t run for elective office is Illinios.

Up against George Ryan? Tonya hasn’t killed anyone. Amy only killed one person. George’s licenses-for-bribes scheme killed a family of six, and who knows how many others. On the other hand, I’d have a hard time voting for Andrea Yates given that she’s insane, and Susan Smith is a bigot as well as a murderer. And I don’t remember who Susan Atkins is. So, given a choice between any one of that lineup, and Governor George Ryan (who is thankfully not running for reelection), I’d vote for the woman more likely than not (three out of five).


Hey, now there’s no evidence found that proves that George Ryan knew anything about the scandal.

Of course, if anyone believe’s he’s completely innocent, I’ve got some land to sell the person.

I personally think he knew that something less than legal and moral was going on, but I don’t believe he orchestrated it. I think it was more a “see no evil, hear no evil” thing for him.

Not that gives him an excuse. It happened under his watch as Secretary of State, so he bears the ultimate responsibility, regardless of how big of a part he actively had.

I do applaud his moratorium on the Death Penalty, though. It took guts. I was amazed at the number of people who opposed the moratorium in spite of the shear number of convicts who were released after it was revealed that they were innocent. Something is definitely wrong with the system, and Ryan decided to suspend the system until it could be fixed.

Personally, I think they should abolish the death penalty entirely, but it’s not up to me. The recently released proposal to fix the Illinois criminal justice system by the committee Ryan appointed looks promising. Let’s hope everything goes smoothly with that. Although, even if the death penalty were to be abolished, a lot of the ideas in the proposal should be implemented anyway.



Hey, now there’s no evidence found that proves that George Ryan knew anything about the scandal.

Of course, if anyone believe’s he’s completely innocent, I’ve got some land to sell the person.

I personally think he knew that something less than legal and moral was going on, but I don’t believe he orchestrated it. I think it was more a “see no evil, hear no evil” thing for him.

Not that gives him an excuse. It happened under his watch as Secretary of State, so he bears the ultimate responsibility, regardless of how big of a part he actively had.

I do applaud his moratorium on the Death Penalty, though. It took guts. I was amazed at the number of people who opposed the moratorium in spite of the shear number of convicts who were released after it was revealed that they were innocent. Something is definitely wrong with the system, and Ryan decided to suspend the system until it could be fixed.

Personally, I think they should abolish the death penalty entirely, but it’s not up to me. The recently released proposal to fix the Illinois criminal justice system by the committee Ryan appointed looks promising. Let’s hope everything goes smoothly with that. Although, even if the death penalty were to be abolished, a lot of the ideas in the proposal should be implemented anyway.


Hmmmm, an interesting technique, a bit sexist maybe, but I guess its just as valid as any other for picking candidates.

Have you considered the “Tradesilicon Election Selection” method? That’s where you check their preference for sexual position - on top or on the bottom. I always vote for the one who prefers to be on the top, 'cause they are least likely to “fuck up”!
Re: the OP, if this place is anything, its a nice mix. The percentages may be hard to figure out, but just a glace over at GD reveals how large a range is respresented.

Or, just as likely, Ryan has evidence, or at least a credible claim, that someone close to Dubya was also involved. Some of Ryan’s campaign staffers went on to work with Dubya in his 2000 election campaign, and some of them now hold appointed posts in the Bush administration. Dubya, or at least the RNC, may be afraid of what Ryan might do to them if the feds went after him.

Amy Fisher didn’t kill anyone. She shot Joey Buttafuoco’s wife but she is still very much alive.

I, too, never vote a party line. EVER. If I don’t know anything about the candidates I wouldn’t vote.

However, I live in Canada, and we don’t hold our elections simultaneously here. Federal, provincial, and municipal elections are all held on different days, since provincial and federal votes aren’t held at pre-set times; they’re held based on when Parliament is dissolved. So in any given election we have fewer choices to make at once, making it easier.