Is there a better candidate for "Arsehole of the Week" than this ... ?

From: News of the Weird (.714)

Now I’ve played sport on many occaisions with bumptious, over zealous, pedantic, “It’s all about me, Sony” umpires/referees/officials but nothing of this calibre.

I saw this today too.

No doubt there will be some technical rule stating that if there is to be a delay to the start of a game then it must first be agreed with the referee.

Even so, I’m surprised the guy wasn’t lynched right there and then on the field.

What a dick.

a contender from This is True:

   Once again, zero tolerance equals zero intelligence.

He smiled. Horrors. I wonder what would happen if some parent saw him smile at their daughter and charged him with child molestation. "Well, it was inappropriate...". Not much stupider than suspending a kid for a smile.

If we start giving prizes to all the school officials who can only get their rocks off by punishing kids and have to keep looking for increasingly stupid reasons to do it, I think we’ll have to change it to “Arsehole of the Minute.”