Is there a contemporary family with a greater number of notable members [than the Gracies]?

I was just thinking yesterday about how many renowned Gracies there are, so I looked them up in Wikipedia.

Not only do they (as a family) have their own Wikipedia entry, it lists a whopping 66 members-- more than half of which (38) have their own page.

The first family that came to mind as a possible competitor was the Kennedy family, but their list is a family tree instead of a list of “notable” members, and it goes back 2 or 3 generations earlier than the Gracie list. That being taken into consideration, it still only lists 60 people.

Feel free to use your own criteria for “notable”-- as this isn’t a formal research project, I used the most convenient :).

Assuming we’re discounting various royal dynasties, the Rockefellers easily have the Gracies and Kennedys beat. Starting with William Avery, there are about 150 members listed, with about 40 linking to other Wikipedia pages, not including spouses.

So we have:

The Gracies: 66 “notable” and 38 with their own page
The Kennedys: 60 listed (genealogy list) and 43 with their own page
The Rockefellers: ~150 listed (genealogy list) and ~40 with their own page

All pretty close.

Please do. I would consider them historical, even though they may have relevant living members.

Seventy-two Rothschilds have their own page, though it looks like the majority of them have been dead for decades if not over a century, so they are beginning to stretch the definition of contemporary.

I don’t think you’re going to find much bigger than that. I’ve racked my brains for equivalent in soccer and the biggest I know of is the Charlton-Milburn family.

Jack, George, Jim and Stan Milburn were brothers who played football in the top English League at some point(s) in their careers (which spanned from the late 1920s to the mid 1960s, though they’re largely forgotten today apart from their connection to their more famous relatives.

Jackie Milburn was their cousin and he played in the top English League and also for England and was one of the best centre forwards of his day.

Jack and Bobby Charlton were the nephews of Jack, George, Jim and Stan Milburn and the two most well-known members of the family and their careers spanned from the earlier 1950s until the mid 1970s. They both played in the English top division and for England and both played in the 1966 World Cup final which England won. Jack Charlton wasone of the best centre-halfs of his day of his day and Bobby Charlton was one of the best players in the World of his day and still considered one of the all-time greats of soccer.

Bobby Charlton’s daughter, Suzanne Charlton, is also famous her own right though for reasons entirely unconnected to soccer. She has presented the wetaher on the BBC for many years.

That’s 8 Charltons and Milburns (including the non-soccer playing Suzanne) with their own Wikipedia entries. Obviously the Gracie family dwarves that.

There are a bunch of people in the Taft family tree.

I think if you looked at Elizabeth II’s family tree you’d probably find a lot of wikipedia entries.

29 listed, most dead for decades or centuries, some with different last names, some with really contrived relationships like “daughter of Samuel Davenport Torrey; married to her 4th cousin twice removed, Alphonso Taft” (that’s an actual quote). Big, prominent family by any standards, but not holding a candle to the Gracies or Kennedys.

The Gracies? Am I the only one who’d never heard of them until now? I mean, I’m sure they’re big in Brazil, but are they really quite as well known as the Kennedys?

No never heard of them either.

I realize that various royal lines are well-documented, going back centuries. I know that there are even Chinese people who can (allegedly) trace their lineage directly back to Confucius. That’s not really what I’m talking about. I’m talking about large numbers of (relatively) current, relevant members of a single family.

I dunno. It’s not really a contest of who is more famous, though in Brazil I’m sure the Gracie family is better-known than the Kennedys.

What about the Duggar family?

Counting Wikipedia entries is not a valid way to measure “notable” people. All it takes is one interested person working on a project to create dozens (or even hundreds) of Wikipedia pages, while fairly well-known people don’t get listed.

No, I’d never heard of them, either.

For most notable people in one single family, I’d nominate the Mitford sisters.

Edited title to indicate subject.

True, but I still think that if you looked for purely living people the Queen’s family would beat nearly everyone in terms of wikipedia entries. Her and her direct descandants have 13 wikipedia entries by themselves.

Theoretically very possible, but excessively unlikely.

I happen to know that the families named here are well-known, from sources outside of Wikipedia.

Here are a few choices: Osmans, Kennedys, Bushes (but I don’t think they’re that notable -due to my political party).

True, I’ve heard of the Gracies as well, but they are an order of magnitude less well known than the other families mentioned.