I apologise for the possibly-provocative title of this thread, but I am constrained by the character limits. I am not attempting to say that addictive people are all religious, or that religious beliefs are akin to any addictive behavior of your choice.
My question, in a nutshell, is this: have any studies been done measuring a possible correlation between religion and addictive personalities?
I first considered this when two of my friends (with addictive personalities both) got hooked on religion. The parallels of the way they both behaved concerning their newfound faith and the way they sought confort in their previous addictions (sex and alcohol, respectively) made me wonder. I then started considering programs such as AA, which serves addicts and is explicitly religious. I also considered why some religious folk have a problem with pornography addiciton. In particular, I wondered why pornography was considered a general soceital scourge akin to drugs, when almost everyone I knew partook of it and had no resulting problems. Could, I speculated, those people who set up anti-pornography-addiction websites be seeing a lot of people with a predisposition to addiction, and as such over-represent the ills of porn in the effects they saw?
I recognize that this is a rather difficult question to ask without coming off as insulting. Again, I’m not speculating as to any root cause, and I’m not trying to insult religion here. I’m just wondering if any such correlation has been measured.