Is there a faith (religion) with a female Jesus figure?

A belief with someone perhaps directly identified as daughter of God (or of Goddess), or else directly related to God and does His/Her work hear on earth, possibly going through a great sacrifice to set things right. Or a female ‘messiah’ yet to come?

The closest one I can think of is some beliefs of Mary, conceived sinless, and presumably sinless in her life makes her able to have a child directly with God and sometimes called mother of God. Her great sacrifice would be to bring God’s Son into the world and thus save it, and also watch Him be put to death.

They revere Mother Ann Lee as another manifestation of God:

Though there isn’t necessarily a “god” per Abrahamic religions, in East Asian Buddhism/Taoism there is the Bhodisattva of Compassion, who is sometimes unisex but usually portrayed as female, who would fit some of your criteria.

She is a Buddha who achieved enlightenment but renounced her entry into Nirvana in order to carry out compassionate works on earth.

I visited a statue of the Bhodisattva in Japan, and was struck how closely it resembled those of the Virgin Mary in the west - a female form wrapped in a white robe, cradling babe in arms too.

I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but I remember being told that Bhodisattva was used as a sort of code by Japanese Christians during the time when Christianity was forbidden in Japan. For them, she really represented the Virgin Mary; if one of them went into a home and saw that image, he’d say “oh, I see you follow the Mother of Compassion” and if the people there were also Christians they’d say “we follow the Son.”

Like I say, I don’t really know whether it’s true or not, can’t even remember who I got it from.

Point of personal information: the Wiki page you linked to has a photo of the Bhodisattva we have right here in town; I recognized it instantly. I have much better photos of it than Wiki has too, and it is distinctly male in the photos, or at best unisex.

See here for one of my photos online:

To tweak kanicbird’s understanding of Catholic doctrine, while he may be correct as regards the beliefs of some individual Catholics, it is my understanding that even at its fullest extent, the hyperdulia doctrine regarding Mary still regards her as a part of fallen humanity, needing a Savior, with the doctrinal distinctives that set her apart from the rest of humanity in Catholic thought the result of a special retroactive intervention of Christ’s saving grace done to make her a fit vessel for His conception and time in the womb, and to give her the special graces needed to raise Him as a human child. Think of it as effectively a SF-style time loop: she was enabled to raise Him to be what He ended up being by His action reaching back in time to make her what she needed to be in order to raise Him as He needed to be raised.

Very interesting. I wasn’t aware of her.

Apologies for my lifelong misspelling of “bodhisattva”.

Hot linking not allowed in the Una Louvre, n’est pas?

“It’s Miley!”

Any matriarchal faiths with a female daughter savior figure?

Thank you, and I didn’t mean to define Catholic doctrine, but just state some commonly held beliefs as to if Many may qualify as the female, daughter of God Christ figure.

My own view is since Jesus could not fail, it can be said that the Mary saved the world by her giving birth to Jesus. It also goes along and fulfills what was placed on Adam (fulfilled by Jesus) and Eve (fulfiled by Mary) from Gen 3:16 and Gen 3:17-19. As Mary had to give birth to Jesus and she could not have a man (besides God) rule over her as that would introduce corrupted flesh in the conception of Jesus. With Jesus covering Adam’s sentence.

And yes sort of that time loop, the 2 (Mary and Jesus) would be interdependent.

Some forms of Wicca revere Aradia, who appears in some lore as a mythic daughter of Diana & first of the Wiccans, and who has been claimed by others as having actually been a leading Witch in the Middle Ages who has been deafied. I know of no proof about any such historical figure & the mythic figure was first brought into public awareness by late 1800s-early 1900s folklorist Charles Leland’s work on Italian folk paganism.

Here in Korea, there’s the World Mission Society Church of God, popu;ar;y referred to as “the God the Mother people” and “that cult that makes Sun Myung Moon look normal.” Its leader is the wife of the church’s dead founder. I, um, avoid them and don’t know how big a following they have.

Hmm…I’m not at home right now, and it works for me. Are you saying you can’t see it? If not, tonight I can move it to somewhere else if anyone cares.

I also get a 403 Forbidden on that link.

Thanks. Tonight I’ll put it up somewhere else. The problem is that I have 32,000 artworks online, and while I have no problem giving access to them to members, I don’t allow hotlinking. I confess to being baffled as to why I can see it, however.

There’s a connection to the Persephone myth–Persephone is kidnapped by Hades, her grieving mother Demeter searches for her and the Earth becomes infertile. Demeter is reunited with Persephone, but because Persephone has eaten the food of the underworld she must return for half of every year, which explains the variation of seasons.

Well, in early Ugarit, Canaanite and (wait for it…) Abrahamic religions, God (El) had a wife, the goddess Asherah. In fact, the Bible’s reforming editors didn’t really do a great job of airbrushing her out, she and her Asherah Poles are still mentioned in a lot of places:

If you mean Guan Yin: