Is there a First World nation that doesn't have UHC?

A Jon Stewart joke told awhile ago, I’m wondering if there is one.

According to Wikipedia, no. There are cites at the link to back up this assertion.

Of course, many of these plans very greatly, but they all aim for universal coverage of all citizens.

Turkey, if it’s considered First World now.

The US.

It’s not.

Are you sure?

Some places list Mexico as ‘developed’ and they don’t have UHC.

If I were Mexican, I would be a lot more concerned by being listed as ‘Developed’ as opposing to ‘Developing’. The latter gives hope at least.

there are also some 3rd world level countries with UHC. One other such country is coming up next, right here in darkest North America.

The HDI lists Mexico as very highly developed, only trailing the USA by a small margin. Drug gangs in the north only comprise a small part of the county, and the fact is that they’re increasingly spilling over the US border in some activities. And there’s some third-world-like attributes in rural areas, but it’s really similar to the southwest USA and Appalachia. And there’s some thing-world-like-attributes in urban areas, but I’m from Detroit and can recognize the obvious similarities.

For the record, I’m not Mexican or even Latino of any sort, but I’ve spent more than three of the last 10 years living here.

And finally, Mexico’s health care system is just as universal as ObamaCare. I guess the distinction being whether you consider that to be universal or not.

I am Mexican and haven’t got a clue to what you mean.

I typically hear Mexico referred to as a “Middle income country.” There are many middle income countries without universal health care.

Kalaalit Nunaat is not a 3rd-world country! :slight_smile:

I contest that characterization.

There are 4 HDI groupings. The US is in the top group. Mexico and Chile are in group #2. China and Jamaica are in group 3. Togo, Senegal and worse comprise the bottom grouping.

Overall, the US is around #13 in rank, while Mexico is about at #53.

ETA: The US is sandwiched between Finland and Austria. France clocks in at #8 and that socialist hellhole Sweden is #7. Oil rich Norway wins the prize at #1, Australia is #2, and before the financial crisis Iceland was ranked #3. Canada and Ireland are #4 and 5, respectively.